Part Parachute

Derailing this conversation for a second to say holy crap, Community is a long running sitcom now, isn't it?

I think he might have pushed a little too far into the dark side of the show for me. I absolutely loathed him, and not in a fun way. He just made my skin crawl in a way that was hard to watch. It was a little jarring, since the show usually stops just on the comedic side of things, and I disagree with the review that

To be fair, they have been pretty good about recognizing when the actors aren't very good dancers, even if it takes them awhile. There were all the Finn's "dancing" jokes and the (multi episode!) bootycamp plotline in season 3 - so this is one of those random places Glee is actually faithful to its continuity.

Well they needed enough members to have a full Glee club. So that they could completely undermine that the very next episode by randomly doubling their numbers with no effort whatsoever on anyone's part.

Glee pulls so much utter bullshit so constantly it's less a tv show than a big hulking disaster that needs to be taken out back and shot, but I still audibly gasped when Jesse came out during that song, and the fact that Glee still has the power to make me do that makes me a little sad that it's ending. It's a show

I keep thinking she's Karen Gillan. Which makes me miss Selfie and wonder if Tina Fey has room for two adorable redheads in her shows…

I realized midway through the series (so, I guess, around when I was watching this episode) how female this cast is. Titus is the only guy of the four regulars, and other than random love interests, most background characters tend to be female as well. Obviously, if you were going to think of the kind of thing that

Agreed - some of the Kimmy stuff is so incredibly dark that I'm okay having Titus be 90 percent comic/10 percent tragic right now. I get the feeling that there's a pretty deep well of horrifying past they haven't even gotten to for Kimmy, and leaning too far into Titus's pathos could easily throw off the balance of

Gretchen was a little grating up to that point, but that sold me on her. Perfect combination of utter lunacy, scheming, and sweet naivete.

I really like it when Lillian, Kimmy, and TItus all get something to do together (and it's awesome how much these characters pop so soon into the series). But I sort of wish Lillian and Kimmy had more plots together alone. I like Lillian and Titus in crazy-background-duo of the week mode, but whenever they do share a

Did you also feel like someone on the SNL writing staff thought Chris Hemsworth is an attractive man? I was getting that impression, but maybe that just has to do with the way that every single sketch was some variation on that theme.

I just wish she could do a little subtlety. Everything is the same volume, and it occasionally works because when you throw that much at the wall, something has to stick, but it's exhausting to watch.

Am I the only one who felt like that laugh scene at the end went on for slightly too long? Jeff made an okay-but-not-brilliant joke, and they all just started laughing for like 20 seconds. It was almost a parody of those "Oh, YOU!" scenes at the end of bad sitcoms…except I'm not sure it was.

Basically, if you watch Nickelodeon for any amount of time in the afternoon, you see a commercial like that, and they are the most ridiculously banal and uncanny things.

This is why I love this kind of Community.

To be fair, she seemed to feel kind of icky about it too. Finally.

The toy commercials absolutely rang true for me - Todd mentioned them in reference to toy commercials in the 80s, but they're honestly still like that. I really dug how the ones in this episode took the awful banality of children's toy commercials and made them deeply weird and unnerving. And there's probably a

I was momentarily freaked out watching the episode when I realized that the character who would most affect the greatest number of other characters by being killed of was Thea. If they rehabilitate another character from someone I can't stand to one of my favorites only to kill that character off at the end of the

I agree with you in theory, but it would have been incredibly depressing to watch a season or two of the group falling apart, and every complaint people are having now would just be replaced by "I watch this show to see these people hanging out together, not hating each other at a distance."

I was just rewatching it the other night; it was seriously one of those shows that started to get amazing just when it was cancelled. Ian McShane, Sebastian Stan, and Brian Cox were just utterly brilliant. Even Chris Egan was less punchable by the end.