
Easily the worst thing about college football is that both teams can’t lose.

One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.

If sarcasm: you funny, you make good impression of regressive jocksniffing dipshits.

Most Deadspin readers probably don’t know this, but Tom Scocca used to do a regular write up of newspaper comics with occasional Deadspin contributer Joe MacLeod for the Baltimore City Paper. It was awesome, but it doesn’t appear to be archived anywhere.

I only recently started watching UFC and it’s pay-per-view events. It’s a good excuse to have friends over to drink and eat. Anyway I find Rogan more annoying than anything. I don’t care for him outside of UFC either but I’m probably a minority in that regard.

Unfortunately she was later found to have an almost unprecedented level of juice in her system.

It’s more of a feeling than a sound.

Counterpoint: 24K Magic is good.

“Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played.”

Counterpoint: Fuck Curt Schilling with a rusty drill in his bloody ankle hole. Until Bonds and Clemens get in (and even then) Nazi Curt should be left out.

hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead

I dont know how he can say he wasn’t arguing with the lady. You can see that he is in the video. He was also clearly past half court. You can hear her shout, “go back.”

Yeah, you and the other 90 geeks who needed to point it out repeatedly.

This comment is totally dependent on seeing the world through your eyes.

To you - they’re only thinking about themselves.
To them - you’re only thinking about yourself.

Neither your situation, nor this one with the trailer is a case of high-road vs. inconsiderate ass. In both cases, from all 4 points of view, “the other

there are a lot of things you CAN do, but because of common decency you shouldn’t. this is a guy who doesn’t give a fuck if what he does annoys other people, because he has the “right”. doesn’t m ake it illegal, just makes him an asshole

(I walk on stage at a press conference after another long day at the office)

TL;DR: “Why won’t you people just let me be an asshole without calling me on it?”

How many real native american people have you seen that look like this in daily life?
Is it starting to make sense?*

*Of course not. You’re a racist.