
Geez. Even the refs don’t watch WNBA games.

I like the Jets, but have no idea why. I’ve never been to Winnipeg (or any other part of central Canada), I have no strong allegiance to any of their players, and neither of their iterations have ever been really successful in the NHL. They’ll never be my favorite time, but I enjoy them as a scrappy underdog.

Isn’t part of the reason you two are writers that you guys are too ugly for tv?

Pretty neat, I’ll probably tune in for the next one. I’d recommend getting rid of the lame background guitar and ditching the splat/fart sound effects, though.

I don’t like listening to either of you talk. It’s too weird.

My churl, my churl, don’t tweet at me;


Unsolicited Extra Fingers in the Ass?

I think of Encarnacion with a walker.

I want everyone to see the uncropped AP photo:

The right to swing your pie ends where the other man’s nose begins.

The lesson, as always: it’s best to keep Johnson and pie separate.

I want to see more CFL coverage on here?

One change you’d make to the MLB All Star game to make it more fun to watch?