
@fugeesnfunions: I didn't want to watch that, but for some reason I did.

@Channan: I need a 3 second video of Jon Stewart saying 'BOOM!'

@Odin: My thoughts exactly. Using FB Connect is way easier than using the DMV.

I mean, don't get me wrong, this is really awesome and all, but, really?

@Kwinten: As a professional drummer and recording engineer, I'll have you know that whoring is part of my job. Any entertainer, whether a guy with an acoustic guitar singing 90's covers at a bar or Katy Perry, is whoring themselves.

It seems as if stuff like this a common occurrence over there.

@Decad3nce: I've seen this somewhere before, I remember it being awesome. Name of the video and a link if you got it?

@Coreboy: I was joking. I was going put up a image from Tropic Thunder to seal the deal but I thought it worked on its own. Sorry for my vague joke, probably not the best time or place to be cracking jokes...

@Coreboy: What do you mean you people??

Brokay, Bro, this is like, dudebro.

@ieatbabies: Except when safe, responsible drivers get caught in the middle. I got hit by a douchebag running a red light and my car ended up colliding head-on into a power pole doing 30. There were pedestrians nearby with little kids and shit around too. Luckily no one was hurt.

Knowing how much time is left on a traffic light is not a good idea. People will ultimately exploit it and end up causing more wrecks.

Why is that I would be OK with this if it was a rat instead of a dog? Hell, even an ugly dog would do.