
Cannot unsee. Fuck.

@HitmonInfinity: Best iTunes icon I've found yet. You're welcome.

@keivan.moallemi: Oh shit, I was making a joke about how the dude sounded exactly like Ice Cube, but it really is Ice Cube. Awesome.

Is that Ice Cube on the other end of the radio?

@BetaMaxx11: You know it. Keep them links comin'.

@Stem_Sell: I should've hearted you a long time ago. Your puns are incredible.

About halfway through the first video, I asked myself: "Why the fuck am I watching this? This is disgusting." And then I thought, "Oh yeah, it's on Giz. I watch everything that Giz posts."

I'll stick with Gmail, thank you very much. Facebook owns enough of my life as it is.

When he held the camera over the side, just, man.

@oholiab: My thoughts exactly.

I've heard some shops in my day, and this most definitely shopped.

@The Werewolf: According to the US Dept. of Labor's OSHA site, you would have to continuously crinkle the bag for 4 hours to come anywhere near any sustained hearing loss. I would upload an image grab of the chart but for some reason it's not working. Scroll down to Table D-2. []

Godspeed was a great choice for the soundtrack. It made it feel very "28 Days Later".

@KamWrex: You ate the bottle too?! Dear heavens, now that's a case of the munchies.

That's just like, your opinion, man.

So now she's a time traveler using an antique ear trumpet to amplify the voices in her head (from the future, obviously) to which she is clearly having a conversation with?