Partially Bigoted Zealots

Cameron Esposito? Rhea Butcher? Ali Wong? Kate Catherall? Taylor Tomlinson? Sabrina Jalees?

My first thought as well, “the Wordplayer guy??” A great site with legitimately helpful columns. I always felt a tinge of pride when they were on the rise because of the site and I felt like I knew them back when. Now though? Ugh. 

Yeah, that was my read. It’s the Gwen from Mile’s universe. That scene also seems to be pre-meeting other Spidey’s as well. It looks he just got bit and gaining his powers.

I think most people around him know what he does/who he is. The secret identity is part of his public persona but those who are around him have been heard calling him by his first name (apparently, Robin). He also strikes me as a guy who lives fairly modestly so as not to raise a ton of suspicion in his area.

My college would bring in bigger acts and sell tickets for a significantly reduced cost to students. (Full price for non-students.) So it is not totally out of the realm a system like that could work for bigger acts than your average college act.

So is that a no on going to confessional together?

“Now, go ahead and forgive yourself for getting caught up in the most mundane and pointless argument currently on the internet, because you apparently have nothing better to do with your time.”

If it helps your exact quote was: ““I have your address immediately saved in my GPS. It’s obvious, it’s frustrating, and yes, it sets up drivers to potentially harass you.”

Cabs pull out of the way to the closest safe place and let people out/pick people up. It’s never been an issue for people and no reason the intersection option can’t function the same way.

Cabs pull out of the way to the closest safe place and let people out/pick people up. It’s never been an issue for people and no reason the intersection option can’t function the same way.

Taxis have been using intersections for decades and been just fine. It’s not a problem.

“I have your address immediately saved in my GPS. It’s obvious, it’s frustrating, and yes, it sets up drivers to potentially harass you.”

Hasn’t this essentially been the case in all sports where replay has been introduced? And we always have a cycle where writers complain about it?

I wish they played it more straight/naturally to really maximize the absurdism in the script.

I think it’s fair to be concerned if a big corporation is gonna ruin your favorite brew and/or limit choice down the road. Michiganders freaked out when Shorts sold 19.99% of their company to Lagunitas (and to a lesser degree when they started distributing outside Michigan). But it turned out to be for nothing (so

I was curious about that too. It seems weird they would include footage of A4 in the A3 trailer though. Maybe they were on a deadline to get that trailer out and easily had elements they could render for Hulk but not the Hulkbuster? I like your idea though just seems a very un-Marvel way to tease A4.

What documentary is that? That’d be an interesting scene to see play out.

She also had the unenviable position of having to work off of Christensen’s Anakin. Either because of lack of skill or just being written into the corner, it’d be hard to make anything work with that. I always found her scenes away from him weren’t that bad.

I’ll be interested in the “snubs” post (assuming you do one—please do!) and what got left off. There are a couple I don’t remember seeing and wonder the rationale or how close they came to the final cut. Battlestar Galactica is one—it ended just on the edge of the 10-year mark (2009) and was one of the most heralded