Partially Bigoted Zealots

Yeah—this one confused me. It is different overseas, especially in China but in the US, 3D is declining. IMAX is rolling back their 3D screens and bookings, and while the US box office is up around 8% since 2010, 3D’s share of the total receipts has dropped (21% to 14%). The raw number of films is up (but likely to

To steal from Poe, it was a need-to-know mission and he didn’t need to know. Not all your direct reports know the plan at all times if it doesn’t affect them. As there was no need for the fighter group in this plan, there is no need for Poe to have all the details.

That made complete sense to me. In a military environment, there is no need for a Vice Admiral to explain herself to a Commander. You expect the chain of command to be followed, and Poe made a careless move trying to put together a secret countermission. His role isn’t to get explanations but to execute. The subplot

Yeah—they get The Simpsons. They get the Fox TV production arm, just not the physical TV stations or network. Just all the Fox TV-produced shows. It looks like Murdoch is position Fox Broadcast to get out of scripted and into more live, event-oriented programming. Hence the focus on sports and news.

What’s a good time travel story without a time loop and impending paradox? I hope it’s not all on the station but would like a couple episode where they galavant across space before going back to present day.

Jeph Loeb already said they’re doing pods. Sounds like 2 instead of 3 this year—this arc being 10 episodes.

I hope it’s a test balloon to see if there is an appetite for other series. Love to see some other shows get the same coverage. Though I guess it’s a tough choice between covering an older show vs a newer show that could drive more traffic.

To be fair, the death of TV Club Classic is on us. Nobody read it. I remember (with a few exceptions for some shows) writers basically begging in the stray observations sections for people to read it more. It was one of my favorite features but wasn’t meant for this world.

To be fair, Britten is a camera man for local sports teams—a far cry from a fancy producer. That’s a fairly middle-class job (average salary is ~60k and is mostly freelance).

Easy to assume Brandon wouldn’t have shown up angry if he knew that Lyanna had gone willingly and was not abducted. Bran was right—the course of events that started it (Brandon being upset at an abduction) was false.

For me, if that splash on the landing page was on every subsection I’d find it easier to navigate to the content I want to see (reviews, features, etc.)

Feedback on the front-page:

I think her arc over the last couple years has turned her into her mother: she'll do anything to protect the Stark name and the North. She's the most politically talented Stark (kind of like Cat), and understands that different tools are needed for different problems (unlike kill'em all Arya, or Jon's undying need to

Nah I'd have the staff on my side.

Cool with the change. I like Kinja which makes me weird I guess.

Saw it with Oak and Ingrid a couple weeks ago and it's fantastic. So much fun.

We have this minus the USPS bit—anyone can access it and store the package there. It’s great.

Back to the Future isn’t Spielberg thought, it’s Zemeckis. I’ll be interested to see which of the Spielberg reference he actually left in.

Sure—but as long as he’s directing strategy, and what content to drop and when to drop it WikiLeaks is going to continually (and rightfully) linked to him. If he cared about the orgs cred he’d walk away, but until he does it is WikiLeaks mess too.