
In just about every single case, whenever I was feeling inclined to skip getting together with friends, and I went anyway, I'm glad I did, in the end. For what that's worth.

Your missing a good friend is completely understandable.

I've only experienced that with someone I was utterly in love with, it makes me wonder if there's a truly a difference.

Hey, I just want to say to you, good for you for being conscious of your surprising feelings and mindful of how you want to approach them. I find the way we can be surprised by our own reactions to things really interesting, and it seems like it's more common for people to act out in nonconstructive ways when this

I can confirm there are women into AB/DL.

So is Magneto's power actually based on magnetism? I assume so, but they never seem very careful about the kinds of metal Magneto can manipulate. The bullet that killed Kennedy was a copper-jacketed lead ball, so I don't get how he could have manipulated it. Same with various other times he's apparently manipulated

I really liked Stephen Fry's take on this issue.

The incorrect algebra in the title of this special is really bothering me. If "Comedy is tragedy plus time", then Comedy minus Tragedy equals Time.

Remember how squirrelly Firefly was about this? It finally seemed clear in Serenity that all of humanity as we knew it arrived at a single solar system, with one sun, and many habitable planets and moons of giant planets; and no FTL, and probably humanity had arrived from Earth-that-was via some kind of generational

No, no, dewbacks, like greenbacks!


Melancholia isn't very hard to watch, and is an easy watch. It's also really good and by far my favorie von Trier film (i.e. I didn't hate and want to kill it).

Yes. In theory Domino's have revamped their pizza and is now not terrible. I don't know how it is in practice. On a train layover in L.A. I proved to myself once and for all that I would rather eat nothing than Domino's pizza.

"Feel stupid now? Well, you should."

Possibly. Maybe it's a case where Arby's is better if you can take it. That'd make a good slogan: "Arby's: Can you stomach it?"

I offer my gastrointestinal tract as a counterexample, I've never had this reaction.

It would be both, right? A big hit in income would probably cause the cartels to lose relative power, and just become smaller and less effective, and perhaps less able to buy off so much of the political power structure. Many would remain, and they would diversify, as you say, to other gray- and black-market

No, I'm 6'1" and you have it right. 6'1" isn't "tall" (it doesn't qualify for membership in the Tall Club, for example) it's just "a good height". I wouldn't want to be taller or shorter. Counters are designed for short people, not average people, so mops and countertops aren't going to be at your height if you're an

Step one…

Right, well we didn't have to go through any hearings, but I mean the practical tasks of issuing the orders, not making decisions.