
These days, he's just going through the motions.

The epitome of this, to me, is what Zach Galifianakis does in G-Force, the high-budget Disney movie about sassy guinea pigs-cum-action heroes. He is so committed and utterly talented amid this entire absurdly ridiculous maelstrom of a 7-year-old's vanity project, he makes the movie almost a success.

He might/probably would have, but that's different than acknowledging or basing material on the outcry itself. You can't exactly go "Didja notice all the white! actors!?"

Dunt-da-duh-duh Wishbone!

Jawa-type method of gathering, cleaning, and recycling all that silicon

Being sex-negative does not mean "chooses not to have sex."

I think that's an inapt analogy. How about, "People who own guns are violent, knuckle-dragging ignoramuses, and gun ownership causes urges to violence, dragging knuckles, and ignoramusizing." without having been to a range or socialized at a gun club or know much of anything about shooting sports or gun ownership.

It's the first game in a very long time I played to completion and did a lot of side activity/quests for. I think it's very good.

It may be a reasonable argument, but it's terribly and even dangerously wrong. Part of the mechanism of keeping women down is precisely turning them off from sex and making sex about male gratification. There's a reason some of the most oppressive cultures in the world literally cut off a woman's sexual pleasure, or

It's a rare person who likes pendulous butts.

Action-hero/sex cartoon and perfect casting for Lara Croft, action-hero/sex cartoon.

You know, when you go to an outfitter's and look at specifically-designed outdoor gear for men versus women, that's a pretty good education in sexism right there. The apparel section will either be tiny or half dresses. Better and better over time, but just looking at the number of shoe options is pretty instructive.

Can you explain more what you mean by "the angles of the camera" in a game where the camera is controlled by the player? Just running around, there's one angle—"behind"—and it's hard to see where else the camera would go. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I agree with your two points about the series overall (to a

My kid was a huge fan when he was 9. A little less so now but he'd be pretty stoked by being visited by rebooters now. This is, obviously, a direct consequence of my forcing him to like all the things I liked: Transformers, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc. But with the old cartoon show, parents

I'm 100% at home with Larry the Cable Guy dressing up as Patch Adams so he could screen Duck Dynasty for a sick kid. If it makes that kid's day have 2 hours of less suck than otherwise, I'm all for it.

It happened to me. But I haven't logged in in so long I thought something had changed. Anyway, this is my Disqus account, not the A.V. Club account—I never merged them, but also don't know if the A.V. Club accounts are a thing anymore.

Why should they care about a bunch of Facebook comments?

My assumption has always been that the advantage of digital cinematography is debatable, with respect to photographing a film, and you do a good job of explaining to a naïf what those trade-offs are; but it seems like digital is strictly an advantage with respect to every other aspect of filmmaking—e.g. it's easier on

He out and out committed fraud against the kitchen, right? That seemed pretty bad.

Well, the letter writer gave the specific example of not exercising, and implied examples of not trying to do things he was trying to get her to do, that he thought would help.