
That's super cool and I'm really happy for you two!

The thing is, there's no one appeal. There isn't an "explanation" for cuckolding. There are some typical themes, but if you look into the cuckold fetish community there are both areas of large overlap and areas lots of people aren't interested in.

Well at the very least, it certainly seems premature to put her in a category like "low-libido", since she has essentially not started her sexual life, whatever it is.

I'm happy for you. I'm waiting for the same thing, any day now, I think. I don't know how I'll feel, if any different, once the final document is back from the judge. It also just starts another phase of having to do more stuff (dividing retirement accounts, life insurance, etc.), so I don't know if I'll ever have a

That's awesome!

It's weird to me that the "vibe" of the show is described as Office-like; the show feels like a throwback to me (that's not a criticism). It's zany.

I really liked Bamboozled.

Yeah, how about the black guy is a doctor, the asian guy is the angry ex-athlete cop, and there's a white guy who bounces in with nuggets of wisdom about how they can redeem themselves.

For some reason I feel really worried it might be John Leguizamo.

I would hate to revisit Living Single and find it bad because I loved it when it aired.

I'm so late to this thread, but nevertheless I have to say that I also consider anything not under lock and key as fair game, because that's what locks and keys are for. I also wanted to jump in because I was recently in this situation (where someone was coming over, there were a couple of things I didn't want them to

I think that the theme park conceit provides one of the all-time greatest platforms for fun, seamless exposition there is. We're literally being taken for a ride through the crunchy "science" part; rather than having things explained to an audience surrogate character or having someone read aloud from a book or

Orlando Bloom vaulting around a horse's neck was particularly egregious.

What was Punchline? He's so good in that. I think his best roles are ones where his smarm covers evil or emptiness, comic or dramatic.

I have a list of things I include in a running letter to "older me", because I think it's completely invalid to make fun of someone for being old; but it's valid to criticize or make fun of someone who's older and who engages in irritating old-person behavior:

The real secret to the deliciousness of the novelty peanut butter cups, is the difference in the ratio of sweet peanut butter filling to chocolate. I love peanut butter cups, but the extra bit of filling in the novelty shaped ones really send them over the top.

I went a long time before I realized there were people who pronounced "Reese's" to rhyme with "Feces"; though the way I was used to, "Reese's Fecis" works just as well.

I really wish it were so, because I would love a candy named "Ftoffee"