Parsley Mostly
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The last visible dog! Egads, horrors upon horrors!

I hate doing this, but I have to. Two movies that will mess the mind of any child are missing:

I didn't want to, but I really dig Anna's Dirt Bags. I have no idea why I didn't want to. Good job, Anna!

Whoa! If it wasn't okay to cry at work, most of the people I know would've been fired at some point or another. Ha ha, seriously, men and women, both. It's like saying it's not okay to be human at work; sometimes one can't keep his/her emotions to her/himself. Also, how many of us have had to publicly address a

But we're high in supply of narcissistic WHY MEs, at least.


Wow, way to go, Dodai. I am impressed by this piece. Well done!

That one, the one where Leela finds her parents, and the one where Fry finds his nephew's grave are the ones that always make me cry. The Bender/Hermes one comes close, though, as does the one with the opera.

Oh, don't you give her any ideas! Severed heads are soooo last year. (Just ask Ned Stark and Baby Bush.)

Use what's available! :D

Hail Lindy! The bright spot of a rainy day, always and forever.

Reminds me of the Michael Meyers mask.

I think you hit the nail square on the head!

The two depicted above (the sun and moon) are Helios and Selene. (Or Apollo and Artemis, if you will.) While Helios and Selene may have been originally inspired by spacecraft, the use of Greek or Roman mythological imagery in Medieval art was very common.

*sigh* That's not what I'm saying at all, and if I said that ten times already, saying it an eleventh isn't going to convince anyone else. Goodbye.

All I am saying is we don't know what the truth is, and that it's dangerous to assume we do. It shouldn't matter if the accuser is a woman or a man, and believing someone just because she's a woman is just as bad as believing someone just because he's a man. It's dangerous. My whole point is that I don't think it's

I reported you. You are a bully. A very nasty, nasty bully. You cannot tolerate people with opinions that differ from yours, and so you attack. You attack, and you are not nice at all about disagreeing with someone. Good day.

Nope. You don't have it. At all. You are reading into and coloring my words with your own take.

I'm giving him a pass to cheat on his wife? I don't care if he cheats on his wife. It's none of my business.

Wait, what? Which is it? You're a bully. Why are you twisting my words and being so GD bully-ish about it? Stop harassing me. We don't see eye to eye. Fine. That's fine. You don't like my opinion. Fine. Please stop harassing me, then. I am not a bad person for having my own take on this.