Parsley Mostly

Why don't you care about his feelings? Because he's a man? What if he didn't do what he's accused of?

THIS WAS NOT THE CASE HERE, and you know it. I'm not discrediting the times when that is true. I said it didn't matter if I think he did it or not. My opinion on his guilt is not important. I don't believe in trashing someone without real evidence. What is so fucking hard to understand about that?

Largely known fact to those of us who were alive when it came out.

What's your damage? Egads, you're mean.

Um, I didn't say they did.

denounce, and...

Wait, what? It doesn't matter if I think he's innocent or not. What matters is we have no way of knowing if he is, and in the meantime he's getting trashed on. Man or woman, no one deserves to get dragged through the mud over something like this.

Talking about it, yes, that's good! Dog piling on some guy none of us know, who can't have his side heard without prejudice is folly.

Oh, how I adore your comment! I, too, take a step back at times to determine if I'm truly reacting to a problem or am being influenced by hormones. It's not a silly thing to do, and usually ends up offering more clarity to the issue at hand. It would be very nice, indeed, if men were to do that, and I believe they

If he did it, then so what? She could have told the stewards. She wasn't afraid. Tweeting "ha ha, omg you guys, what a loser!" isn't fear. Shut up, don't argue, it's not. She's a grown woman. Take some responsibility and tell the man to leave you alone. If he doesn't, take it to the people who can move him.

My stars, incorrect spelling is how we should denounce and base guilt from here on out!

She looks like Andrew W. K.

I don't get that vibe at all. I get a bruised ego vibe, but not one of expecting sex.

True, true.

...Hmm. I'm torn. I never, ever let anyone pay for the first date. Just because I don't feel right with having someone spend money on me that I'm not that in to. She knew she wasn't feeling him before she ever met him, so I can see his side. Now if he said, "my treat", then yeah, he's a dick.

Well, not really. Paris was famously cut out (or greatly reduced) of her grandfather's will, so most of the money she has is from her franchise. And really, she gets most everything from pimping herself out to rich guys on yachts. If you want to know why she's in Cannes every year, it's because that's where

Oh, sweet! Now I'm going to have that Bobby Brown song in my head. TOO HOT TO HANDLE, TOO COLD TO HOLD!

No worries. Paris was cast back into the pit, and so Kim, too, will drift off to that place stars go to fade.

Seems that way to me. Calling Mel out for racist rants is beating a dead horse that is starting to get really stinky.

Ah, thanks. I've been going back and forth over whether to watch it, and I think it would just piss me off ultimately. So I appreciate your rundown. I wonder why the sudden change in attitude? Do you think it's because of the negative reaction it got? This is rather interesting to me because I'm assuming there's