
This is from a conversation I had last night on Facebook with friends of a friend. They are so upset about Bernie losing yesterday that they've decided to vote for Trump out of spite. I told them POC don't deserve to have Trump as a president, and that was their reply. I can't wait until this election is over.

So sad... not that we’re electing our first woman president... long overdue, without a doubt... but Ta-Nehisi Cotes spoke of “sentimental firsts” in Between the World and Me in a way that had never occurred to me before... Would it be something to be proud of if Palin were the first woman president, Carson the first

There’s nothing wrong with what he said:


I have never heard him say that. I have for a fact heard him explicitly say that even on her worst day Hillary would be an infinitely better president than any one nominated by the GOP:

You realize that the reason why she needs the birth certificate is so that she can get an ID, right? That’s kind of the point of the article.

A couple girls kill another girl and boys are “shit”?

Honestly, it’s getting a little tiring that people can’t voice their opinions without everybody jumping at their throats. So you disagree. Leave it at that. Why must we demand apologies from celebrities? What she said is not far from the truth, sadly. Some truths are hard to hear. The world is what it is. She’s not

But is it more offensive to assume transgender people lack any sense of humor about their lives at all?