
Also, the woman card gets you SEVEN MORE YEARS ON THE PLANET than men, on average.

Sigh... [appropriate gif]

Can you guys stop being disingenuous assholes for just one second?

Forget it, Ry-bones. It’s Jezebel.

I’ll hope that this teaches you to quit jumping to conclusions about this kind of stuff, but I imagine you’ll likely point to this scenario as the exception proving the rule, and no lesson will be learned here.

lol, Christ almighty. I love Jezebel so much. Cranking it up to 11, every time.

Look no further than brighter’s and ad infinitum’s responses to your post for the answer on why conversations about this are impossible to have.

It’s ball-boy. Not ball-man. There are no ball-men.

“People say that if women ran the world, there would be no war. Yeah, I’m sure if women ran the world, nobody would ever get into a fight for no reason.” - Bobby Slayton


It’s exhausting being outraged all the time, and constantly letting perfect be the enemy of good.

Isn’t some of the reason women earn less than men generally because women go into careers that are less lucrative?