
Are you only just discovering that there are swear words on Lifehacker

Stop eating crap, reduce calorie intake to 10 calories per pound per day, minimum 1300/d women or 1600/d men, or thereabouts (in no way do I advocate 1000 calories daily for anyone on a routine basis). Do cardio, preferably rowing, secondarily running, focusing on longer times of exercise rather than higher intensity

Sure, but if they say that workout will “slim your thighs” they’re still lying.

I’m doing keto so I gave in and tried Halo Top the other day because i just really wanted ice cream and didn’t want to wreck my progress. I was as against it as anyone, but to my surprise, it’s pretty tasty. Not real ice cream good, but way better than I expected and doesn’t taste weird.

I love me some Halo Top. Let it melt a bit so the consistency is more ice cream like and it’s really good. Especially the birthday cake flavor. Is it Ben & Jerry’s good? Of course not, but it’s a tiny fraction of the calories good.

SAME. Except I prefer their Red Velvet, but I couldn’t give less of a fuck that it’s basically weird science food.

Halo Top is fucking delicious and I don’t care about whatever chemicals are in it. Birthday Cake is my favorite flavor. Haters gonna hate!

Same with the rotation. Honestly, it depends who has a movie out/is most high profile at the moment, lol.

I’m pretty sure installing a 30 foot cross in your backyard is a bit beyond the norm.

The more I read about Chris Pratt the more I wonder how he made it to the top of ANYONE’S top Chris list.

I feel like Key West deserves a mention somewhere. It was the original weird Florida show. Long before the rest of the country even noticed Florida being weird, which really only happened after the whole Bush/Gore debacle in 2000. Before that California and New Jersey kind of split duties for the “wait they did what?”

Bloodline focused on a mostly wealthy family, but I appreciated how sweaty and wrung out everyone looked, because they actually filmed there in the summer. I also loved that any time people were in a house, there were Publix products all over the place. I wasn’t born and raised, but I’ve been on the West Coast for

This show is super fun, but I’d watch it even if it was 10x worse, because Karrueche Tran deserves to make a living, dammit, and NOT on a reality show!

As an original Key West Conch I look at Bloodline and roll my eyes at them only filming at Islamorada. Get more shacks and locals in cut off jean shorts in there and then I’ll maybe try watching it again.

Grumblings from the local residents of Palmetto, where Claws is set, started before the show’s premiere. Speaking to the Bradenton Herald, Palmetto Mayor Shirley Groover Bryant said, “I don’t know why they decided to set it in Palmetto. I’m not thrilled about it because it doesn’t have anything to do with the

Here’s my weird Florida story: I once worked on a research project that was evaluating changes to Florida’s Medicaid system. As part of that project, we conducted focus groups and interviews at an assisted living facility outside of Jacksonville. It was in a renovated old-fashioned motel, and lots of the residents

Wild Things really does not get enough credit for being what it was. There are very few movies from that era that I can rewatch endlessly, but trashy, sordid little Wild Things drags me in every single time.

We are the Most Interesting State, not unlike the Most Interesting Man in the World, and it gladdens my heart to see a TV show that not only acknowledges that factbut takes advantage of it. (Also, thanks for the shout out to my book.)

“They just say the weirdest shit that makes you realize that they do not have access to other people who aren’t crazy.”

I am going to make a broad generalization because it’s Monday, and well screw it, why not. I mean we have a guy basically telling Christians to go kill Muslims, without any repercussions so I think I am allowed a generalization here and there. So, here it is: People from Louisiana are crazy. Not like, “Oh girl, you’re