
I really liked the scene in the book and it felt like the show was rushing to get to it, sacrificing nearly everything else in terms of pacing, characterization, and plot to get there. I know that people have too much TV these days and so they don't want to wait to do that kind of heel turn, but man, I don't think the

I suspect that it might also be the actresses' comfort and familiarity with the dialogue. They're adults using kid lingo. It makes sense that they'd have a little trouble settling into the rhythms of it.

The thing that I hope saves Oliver is that he's such a useful plot device. Whenever they get stuck on a case, Oliver appears and is like 'welp, I hacked into something else! Now we can get on with the rest of the episode!'

I feel like it has an undertone of 'amirite?' to it, though, so I thought it worked pretty well in this context.

I loved The Truth framing story device bits, too! It's almost totally nonsensical, but I loved the overwrought conspiratorial tone of it. OMG HISTORICAL FIGURE X HAD AN APPLE OF EDEN OMG. ALIENS. ABSTERGO. EVERYTHING.

I still haven't gotten around to playing it! I played KOTOR2 way back when before the mod had gotten any good, and I'm slowly making my way through it again with the mod installed. Got distracted by Shadowrun Returns, so I'll probably be back once I make my way through all of Hong Kong.

To be fair, the HK Factory segment was part of the restored content mod, so it was bound to be a little wonky.

Playing the Shadowrun: Dragonfall DC before digging into Shadowrun: Hong Kong. Rolled a shotgun wielding Street Samurai this time through instead of the Decker I did the first time around. It's impressive how good the writing is, even with how rote and clunky it can seem on the surface. It didn't take me long to get

I'm excited to try this out, too (now with Linux support!)! I played it a few times ten years ago, and I haven't tried out the Restored Content Mod yet. If I recall correctly, it tries to do something more sophisticated with the Light Side/Dark Side stuff than the first game. The storyline is shaggier, because of the

Unfortunately, they still had to crunch for this game :( You can see it in the documentary. It doesn't seem like it was one of those situations where they were crunching for months and months or years on end, but one of the devs gets sick at a critical time, partially from the late hours she was working.

Also spoilers

Pen and paper are definitely important. People were complaining about the wiring puzzle, but it becomes 1000x easier if you write things down. I'm super close to the end, so I have yet to read your spoiler post, but I'm eager to finish the game so I can talk to people about it.

Yeah, I know a few people have asked me why I don't want to work in video games, and I always end up doing the scary-laugh thing.

Yeah, exactly. I'm sorry Double Fine had to go through that, but I'm glad they were willing to talk about it on camera and show the world the impact of something like that. Not to mention crunching so hard you get sick. Yeesh.

I haven't gotten very far in the second half game (despite enjoying adventure games, I'm terrible at the puzzles), but I think it's definitely one where your expectations for it dictate how you take it. I see that a lot of mixed reactions were based on people expecting certain things from the second half. For some

I am really digging this game so far! It's really lovely, even if the puzzle difficulty ramp up is starting to get a bit frustrating.

Yeah, I know that's the context in the movie. Maybe I should have used the analogy of a priest deliberately shitting while giving a sermon? Or shitting during a baptism? I don't see how that changes my point that much. It's not just a religious symbol. It's used as part of a religious/cultural ceremony.

Well, it is harmful to Native Americans because it devalues their history and culture Like, if there was a comedy that had priests shitting on crosses, there would probably be a similar outcry from various Christian groups around the country, and an actor with strong Christian beliefs might walk off set for being

I am wandering the high seas on Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. It's been a lot of fun, but its Assassin's Creed-iness can get a little wearying, and I say that as someone who loved the series, warts and all, up until AC3. The pirating itself is extremely polished, though. I knew it would be from playing through those

You can skip the crap if you want. It's a series that's in love with its own mythology so you'll probably miss some stuff, but what you're probably really here for is the action movie cheese and not the emotional fallout of Dom's relationship with Letty.