
Seconding this recommendation! I keep waffling on pre-ordering Night in the Woods, but if Lost Constellations is anything to go by, it's really going to be something special.

I feel like they're only unfilmable in that they are so focused on worldbuilding and sociology and philosophy over characters and clean plot-structures. If people were willing to let go of some of the conventional wisdom around film and adaptations, I could see his stories being turned into interesting tone pieces

YES to the Robot Band Tune. That moment is so fantastic and uplifting in the game.

No, I agree that there's definitely problems with the series falling into ruts with the gameplay and individual stories being weak, but I think the basic framework still holds up beautifully. It's basic enough that you can go all sorts of directions with it, and they have done some really cool things.

The Zelda series is super dark and super sad, and it amazes me how much they get away with. I have to skip the transformation sequences in Majora's Mask while I'm playing it, because Link's screams freak me out.

Eh, I think it's one of those ideas that might work better in theory than in practice, and it's much easier, over the course of so many games, to smooth out the rough edges in your head. Though I haven't played Skyward Sword, so I can't say about that.

Sweet! A coworker of mine has the DS games, and I've been meaning to get around to them, um, sometime (you know how gaming backlogs get). Now I'm a bit more excited to get to actually play them.

Oooh, can we take a moment to talk about Legend of Zelda storytelling? I kind of love it. It's a convoluted mess, trying to figure out which games belong where in the timeline, and all the storylines are almost all the same, and they rely on tired tropes, and they're super predictable.

One of the most frustrating things about the series is that whenever Zelda is revealed, she's forced into being the damsel in distress again. I always get ragefacey in Ocarina when Sheik transforms back into Zelda and then immediately gets captured by Ganondorf. Come on, games. It's 2015. Is it really asking too much

I have to echo what Girard said and to point out that I think it's constructing a false dichotomy between narrative mechanics and gameplay mechanics. The mechanics of telling a story can be the same mechanics that you 'play'. I mean, that's what everyone's reacting to in Gone Home, the way it tries to break down that

Yeah, I'm with you on how weird it was. The Oliver reveal was positioned as a twist, much in the same way as the reveals about Frank and Rebecca were positioned as twists. And the Frank and Rebecca twists are all about, like you said, "ridiculous implausible murder mystery freakouts". It was just tonally off to have

Like many others here, making my way through Majora's Mask. I hadn't ever played it before, and so everything about it is super new to me. I know someone asked for my impressions of it since I just finished a (replay) of Ocarina of Time right before it, and so here it is.

One thing I've loved about going through SMT IV is going 'oh hey, Tam Lin!' or 'whoa, fighting Su Wu Kong!' The most interesting thing for me is seeing the Western stuff through an Eastern lens.

I don't know if I can burn myself out on Zelda games! I played A Link Between Worlds a few weeks before playing OoT, and that was fine. I wanted to play OoT first because it's a direct prequel to Majora's Mask, and I *cough* had never beaten it before. But yeah, a lot of the Zelda games have been based on OoT, so it

Save the Date was kind of mind blowingly great. It's pretty short, too.

Oh yeah, I've been fusing a whole bunch. My demons are on the same level or maybe one below right now, though I'm resisting fusing any of my main fighters for reasons unclear to myself.

Yeah, I don't know if it's necessarily understanding the systems or just not finding the systems compelling. Or maybe I just ended up overgrinding in a few places and/or got too attached to my current roster of demons. It's hard to say! I do want to keep going. I just keep eyeing the Majora's Mask case sitting on my

Shin Megami Tensei IV - I've gotten about 10 hours into it? I've been enjoying it for the most part, but sometimes its JRPG-ness gets wearying to me. I generally like JRPGs, but I don't love them, alas. I wish the story were more compelling. Or, at least, that from where I am, that I felt like the central conflict had

The funnier thing would be when we would end up in Asian countries and my parents would switch to English to talk about things in elevators that they didn't want other people to eavesdrop on.

My favorite part of that game was wandering around and talking to people. I kind of hated the puzzles and spent most of the game walkthroughing it so I could see more places and talk to more people.