
Huh, while I'm 110% behind you on how hot Oliver is and how much I need Conrad Ricamora on my television all the time, I think the show has gone out of its way to portray Connor and Oliver's relationship lopsided in the opposite direction.

Yeah, they mentioned it as an issue with this game, too. They were running into publishers who were asking them to make the protagonist male until they got to Square-Enix, who let them write it the way they wanted.

It's interesting to see this come out at just this time, too. For all that people complain about Anita Sarkeesian, I suspect that the existence of this game is indebted to her in some way. And Gone Home, obviously.

I'm really loving what they did with Grim Fandango. There's something that feels deliberately cinematic about it, what with the stationary cameras and all, and I can see how trying to do a full remake could have ruined that effect.

Flying definitely breaks the game entirely! I loved the dev team going 'okay, so he does X, and then immediately does Y, okay, yeah, I see how you're doing that'. I feel like runners have a good sense of the general technology of how the glitches they use work, but it's always interesting to see the perspective of the

A Link Between Worlds is such a nicely well-tuned Zelda game. I go back and forth on how much I like the overworld map, because while I appreciate the fanboy love for A Link to the Past in it, it also feels a little too slavish a recreation and steals away the magic of a new place to explore.

Just started a second playthrough of Grim Fandango Remastered, mostly so I can listen to the developer's commentary. I keep on trying to articulate what the game was like, playing through it the first time, especially with so much expectation on it, and also, the things that still managed to surprise me. I can see why

I know you've already been convinced to check it out, but I figured I'd also plug this episode of Devs Play which explains some of the backstory around it and shows some gameplay while a superfan Double Fine dev talks about what it means personally to him. It's a little long, but that didn't bother me that much.

I'm going physical mostly because I ended up with one of the older 3DS XLs because I'm a moron and didn't pay close enough attention to the news about new Nintendo hardware. I was thinking of maybe upgrading in a year, and I'd like to be able to play my games without having to do a system transfer. The carts are

Dustforrrrrce. I feel like it's one of those games that has an intense community and generally well-regarded, but not many people play it outside of that. I adore the game, especially the music, and I'm glad to see other people digging it as well. I haven't played a lot with the new DX version yet, but I really should

Thanks for all the 3DS recs last week, guys! I am going to be picking up Shin Megami Tensei IV and Link's Awakening and Professor Layton vs. Pheonix Wright as soon as I get further in Pokemon. Oh, and probably some sort of Mario game. There's a lot of options, so I'll have to take a look.

Yeah, I probably would have realized if I had done some more snooping around before buying it. It was kind an impulse buy in that I had an immediate craving to play some Zelda. Ah, well. I'll just have to save up for a new one in a few months if it seems like the new one is a big enough upgrade.

Hi guys! I just got myself a 3DS XL just in time for Nintendo to announce new versions showing up in a month. *facepalm*

I am a terrible roleplayer and tend to metagame and/or attempt to min-max that sort of thing without even thinking about it too hard. So yeah, I've definitely gone both full renegade and full paragon before.

I could get into an hours long argument about how the terribleness of BSG finale was just them being unable to pull out of a season+'s worth of nosediving into terrible instead of Mass Effect's ten minutes of a misjudged attempt at being epic.

I backed it too! I wasn't sure what to make of it, but the art was gorgeous, and the idea of writing-as-gameplay mechanic was pretty nifty.

Yeah, I think watching real time is pretty much a non-starter for me. I've mostly been hearing about the most exciting things and going back to watch what people have found memorable. A lot of the entertainment of a run, I've found, depends on the charisma of either the runner or the announcer or both.

Oh man, yeah. I was just watching the Portal race, and even as they were talking about it, I could barely parse what was going on. It's really incredible.

AGDQ thread! Have people been following along? I have been going in and out, but there's been some really rad stuff in there. TASbot's block of running everything in everything else was impressive, as was the Ninja Gaiden relay that was pretty much neck and neck all the way through. I also enjoyed today's Pokemon run.