
Alas, I do not have a PS3 or PS4. But thanks so much for the info! It was really helpful. :)

Hi! I was wondering if the Persona 3DS game (Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth) is a worthwhile starting place for this series? I did play SMTIV and enjoyed it but didn't love it. Persona does sound more like my thing. Anyone have any thoughts?

Hi! I just wanted to say that it's easy to be discouraged by the fact that it feels like we aren't 'winning', that we've lost so many of the battles we've tried to fight, but our marching and calling Congress has made a big impact.

I love Ted Chiang's writing, so I enthusiastically support this 100%.

Basically, Bannon is still in the white house, but he's not Chief of Staff, and I'm still trying not to vomit everywhere just thinking about it.

I am amused by how they reduced his character's presence in the story by quite a bit from the original short story, because the original short story had the narrative space to get into digressions about complex physics (it helps clarify *why* the heptapods can see the future, experiencing every moment simultaneously).

We did have an ex-girlfriend show up in the first season, didn't we? The stalker from Jane's writing group? It's been a while, and it was dropped quickly, so I might be misremembering it.

The Fast and Furious movies were good about this! Granted, the Fast and Furious movies are unabashedly diverse, so it probably wasn't as noticeable.

Seriously, I think the conspiratorial nonsense gibberish might be my favorite part of the AC series, even up against the runny-jumpy-climby bits.

I mean, she ends up being the plot device that gives Steve info and gets Steve his stuff back, so I guess they wanted to keep her around for that. *sigh*

I saw something about how we wouldn't see Fassbender jumping in and out of bales of hay, and now I am sad. Oh right, here it is:…

So the Animus stuff in the games isn't super important, but games tend to be more relaxed about continuity of characters/actors/storylines than movies do because gameplay tends to take the front seat in defining a series. In the game, the Animus is an excuse for the modern-day character to be connected to three

I would 100% be down with this, especially since Greg Rucka wrote one of my favorite versions of Lois Lane during his run on the Superman books. Gotham Central is/was amazing.

I'll have to check this out! I've always loved Lois as a character, but she's as easy to screw up as Superman himself. It's always great to see something that celebrates her and the roles she plays in the mythos.

Erica Durance, while playing the character on the most baffling of small screen Superman adaptations (Smallville), did a pretty damn good job. She made some of the later seasons bearable.

Definitely good to know. I'll have to pick it up then!

Eh, I am a terrible casual player who likes to play XCOM on easy mode, so the simplification probably won't bother me. Thanks for the advice!

It sounds like if I'm something of a n00b to this series, I should grab Fire Emblem: Awakening first? I did play one of the GBA games, and I enjoyed the tactical combat, but I also like the sound of Casual mode where you can spend more time getting to know the characters without worrying about the permadeath.

I think Linkle is a step in the right direction for a series where you can customize your name, but I do feel like there's also a lot of value in giving Zelda herself a role to play.

Gah, I wish I had something interesting to say here, since I have loved the Zelda series a lot, and I have loved Zelda as a character in particular. I do get frustrated with the fact that she always gets damseled and sidelined, no matter what other signs of agency she might display otherwise.