
I wanted to dislike Taylor Swift so badly because I'm a grumpy hipster like that but I just can't. I like her. do you hear that world?!

I HOLD MY GAS FOR NO MAN! Except maybe Neil deGrasse Tyson, because Neil deGrasse Tyson is a hottie-mc-smart-smart and I don't want to do anything that might cause him to back away from me if I were to meet him IRL. *drool* *dabs away drool from the corner of my mouth like a lady*

Somehow this is reminding me of Helena Bonham Carter. In a good way. Everything Helena Bonham Carter is always in a good way.

Well that's the funniest thing I've ever seen!

I have been toying around with starting a registry company with this in mind; single people after graduation from high school, community college or university or just people who are just single, darn it, who just need stuff with out a wedding.

But didn't you need stuff? Mugs, toaster, measuring spoons, kitchen trash can, etc. By the time you get married won't you not need stuff? Or at least, not the basics, which is originally the point of wedding gifts? And what if you don't get married? You don't ever get any household gifts en mass? Can I ask any more



I'm loving 'baby hallway' and will find a way to use it.

I think it should be noted that there are two very distinct kinds of racism against First Nations people in canada. One is the condescending Jim Morrison/ Johnny Depp/ American Spirit " they're so in tune with the land" variety. The other is roughly analogous to racism towards black people in the u.s., with

Instead of security, they should have a chief at the gate to give them a stern talking-to.

Whatever happened to the days when annoyed airport workers cursed over the intercoms, grabbed beers from the drink cart then deployed the emergency chute and slid off the plane that way? I miss Steven Slater.

I don't know all that much about sexual abuse/the process of grooming, etc, so while I haven't heard it expressed in those terms exactly, I'm not surprised to hear grooming defined as a process that psychologically damages the victim by attempting to frame the abuse as pleasurable for them. And with that, I can't

Wow, that Vanessa Williams story is FUCKED. UP. It takes enormous courage to come forward about sexual abuse, and I really admire her for it.

I have never understood the appeal of Vegas. From where I'm sitting, you saved a bunch of money and protected your liver.

I generally do not get excited about weddings, or even the idea of marriage, BUT if I was I would be down with a Halloween (my favorite holiday!) themed wedding. To anyone that walks in, it just appears to be a giant Halloween party. That actually sounds fun , which is most important. I have catered many weddings and


Of the revamps, Elwynn is arguably closer to the old style of Classic questing, if you want to get that sort of experience.

This! There are a lot of replies attributing their behavior to the possibility of food, but they'll gather around anything unusual that isn't openly threatening. You stand around in a pasture doing nothing but chewing and pooping, you get bored.