parkrndl is enjoying his midlife crisis

LOVE THESE. NP all day.

I need that soundtrack to run in the background for when I go play in the hobby dungeon...

i am ABSOLUTELY FASCINATED by the exhaust note of this thing. i can't imagine how amazing it must be to drive.

You do realize I just googled Red Jacket Firearms in hopes of getting a better look at her.

fxcking brilliant. For some reason I can watch shit like this all day. Then again, my wife has said that I'm so easily amused that if I hadn't taken to toy cars as a kid, I'd still play with my toes for hours at a time. So maybe I'm not a good judge.

'65-'68 GM fullsize two-door hardtop. Impala, Bonneville, LeSabre, Delta 88, like that. The sweeping fastback roofline makes for huge quarter windows. The open space left by the two side windows is just awesome.

I know these are fugly and malaise-tastic and wrong in about seventy million other ways, but God I love them. And the Cougars that shared their platform, and I guess the Mark V too...

I was never a fan of this body style Corvette, but somehow I find this one oddly appealing.

hey, yeah. Now I know why I use the term "lurid powerslides" fairly often... apparently I've heard it before...

Augh. Little did I know. I sold my Pacifica for $6k in February. Girl paid me in 20s and 100s that she withdrew from the ATM over the previous week. I stashed the envelope in a cabinet for a few days, then brought it with me to put down on a new (used) DD. I wasn't real comfortable having all that cash around, but it

I drew pics of '65 Impalas all through junior high study hall and forever after that. I managed to buy one 19 years ago. Still have it in the garage.

YES! I just watched this last night.

Superbad reference FTW!

Lordy I miss I76. Never forget the one cutscene when they pan across the back of the Piranha while it's parked and you can see the rear panel says " 'ranha" in the exact same font/typeface/location as the " 'cuda" logo on the real car. Just one of the little throwaway details that totally made the game...

Holy shit #9 with the Caddy. Just the thought of that 5000-pound bitch COMPLETELY SIDEWAYS at probably 80 MPH makes me clench.

Hahahahahaha! I got that reference immediately. Love it.

1. Trying to bend up a hard fuel line for my '70 Monte Carlo. I was replacing the line between the fuel pump and the carb, and the factory ran it behind the alternator, so I did the same. Well, it seemed fine, and worked fine for probably a year, till one day in traffic there was a puff of smoke from under the hood

What year did they stop making the Mirada? Could you get a 360 in it, or was it just slant 6 or 318?

Indeed. My DD is a rental-grade '07 Altima. Half that displacement and 175 HP. Probably weighs a good bit less than the players here, or at least the GM ones...