parkrndl is enjoying his midlife crisis

Congrats on the COTD. We moved from NY to central PA in 1994, and we go back to visit family fairly often. I can feel the old edge come back once we cross the Goethals into Staten Island... it's true, ya gotta play a little friggin crazy to survive the highways there.

Blade Runner reference FTW

Hmmm. Cheap RWD chassis, stylish body, powerful engine... Ponycar, anyone? That's the exact formula the original Mustang used, followed by GM, Mopar, and AMC...

Oh yes. I would LOVE to snag one of these as a DD.

along with this

i'll just leave this here

Why not? The Camry and Avalon seem to do it...

wow. i never knew about the little HO-scale Lego vehicles from before they invented the (Lego) wheel. very cool stuff. sadly, a quick Fleabay search suggests that they seem to be somewhat hard to find and they go for big $$$...

weird. for some reason, after looking through the gallery, i'm flashing on Blade Runner.

Love the disclaimer in the SHO vid:

Yeah, I even impressed myself with that. But check this one out:

Aw, crap. See what you guys made me go find? This thing is only a couple hours from me.

I dig it. When I was in my teens, I was totally smitten by the big coupe that looked like this (560 SEC?). I even acquired a dealer brochure at the time, and I probably still have it somewhere in the hobby dungeon. I'd drive this thing in a heartbeat, if $4 at the pumps was no object. NP all day.

GM Announces Low-Cost "Stripper" Model V-8 Camaro, Ford and Chrysler Expected to Follow Suit

i was totally gonna post this. definitely needs moar buick.

Holy boobies. I got enough hobbies already, too bad I can't afford to get into manga.

Where can I sign THAT petition?

Dang, I remember that. That was, what, early '80s?

Does free count? A co-worker gave me an '83 or so Plymouth Horizon with a stickshift that I drove for a couple years. the only $ I remember putting into it was patching a pinhole leak in the gas tank with some putty crap I bought at AutoZone.

i had a '73 Nova with a 250/Powerglide. i remember all the things you describe. i LOL'd.