
The dad was speaking Korean. Not Japanese. Thanks to my time in the army, SGT Cars understands enough Korean to recognize it, but not enough to understand what they're saying.

"But if you get your braces off, how will you walk?"
I still use that Johnny Slash line with my kids.

We must bring Christianity to darkest Africa!

Only problem I have with this episode is the coda. How did the mother explain to her daughter that an avatar of her dead father lives in the attic?

So the industry who congratulates itself for standing up to the House Un-American Committee just caved to the Kim Un-Korean Committee? Just getting this straight in my head.

It's driving Mrs. Cars nuts! She keeps complaining that half the shots look funny.

I was Underdog for Halloween in 2nd grade, that would've been 1977.

"AMC is *RUINING* BBC America now", amirite?

And after a season of ignoring the name ISIS, they'll start calling it Mr. Hanley.

It was a hunk of dark rubbery material, textured on top with sticky uppy bits to make it look organic. Slightly greenish color on the surface, but the rubber was black, top to bottom.

I see what you did there. Nice meta-commentary.

Tell me, where is FancyBread? In the heart, or in the head?

It's passive aggressive commentary about the budget for the show.

I have a piece of the Lake Monster. Filmed in my hometown of Prescott Arizona during high school. Don't remember how I got it. It's in a box in my basement.

All right, an 'aw, jeez' in 3… 2… 1…

So I edited it back! Thanks, disqus!

Bryan Adams has a word to say about that too.

Psychedelic Furs is pleased to be part of this pop culture conversation.
I thought it would be a link to Bryan Adams at first.

Took the Cars kids to see X-Men: DoFP. Was fantastic, especially for this former comic book geek who's old enough to have read the comics as they were being published. Also watched Ender's Game last night with the family, thought it was a muddled mess that took itself far too seriously.

Did you just cite an AR at me?! I love this comment board.