
Obviously not enough progress has been made in improving size 337 batting helmets.

Umm, I pretty much thought the exact same thing that you just posted. Except for the Sanderson part. Oh, and also, I said "preposterous" at the end.

Oopsie, did I accidentally give away that I haven't been paying much attention to the World Cup?

The first thing I thought was, "Is his name pronounced Goatse??"

This comes as no surprise to me either. The guy tweeted a selfie of him pooping on the toilet.

Barry Sanders. Problem solved.

You guys are making me want to start posting my pictures of my bunnies on kinja and that can't possibly end well.

Of course they run around, they are also litter trained. :) Bunnies don't belong in cages any more than kitties do. In fact, although I've never timed it, I'm pretty sure my lazy ass rabbits sleep more than my cats do.

Well yeah, but really I just have 3 older fixed lazy fat ones, and I have 2 babies atm that are being adopted soon. Rabbits are pretty finicky and sassy, and there is no equivalent to a dog walker in bunny-land.

I disagree... I have 5 rabbits. If I leave the house for too long and leave them with someone else, they get very unhappy and cranky and poop on my bed on purpose. I'm glad she didn't just dump it somewhere, but bunnies bond to people very strongly, that bunny will just end up being the nanny's rabbit. Which is

She never thought a little rabbit would be so much hard work," an insider divulged to British newspaper The Daily Star.

Ummm yes, caring for another living being actually does require work. Perhaps if you're too busy for a pet, don't have one? Bunnies need a LOT of attention. Kids, even more so, she may want to

He should have said he was an Indian doctor on his way to deliver a baby

You can tell just by looking at them that they're not ready to settle down.

What an amazing public service you have done for us all.


I completely agree about the Notre Dame mascot, and we could probably come up with a few more offensive mascots if we looked hard enough. But as for Columbus... in my neighborhood Columbus day is called Dia de la Raza, and it's a pretty fun time. Social change starts at home, right?

I was just wondering, where can I apply? I want to work for the $267,000 one. I'm totally qualified, I have e-stalking skills, and Google.