Imagine a functioning paintball turret...
Imagine a functioning paintball turret...
Thankful for the direct-port nitrous injection, four-core intercoolers, ball-bearing turbos, and... um... titanium valve springs.
Sorry, to answer more directly, they could be outsourced, but so far most manufacturers have been keeping their motor designs in-house (BMW, Audi, Porsche, Tesla, etc.). There are actually some pretty cool videos on youtube showing how they build their motors for production!
IC engines are complex in terms of part count/combustion control, yes, but in that same vein, motors, power sources, and controls can be quite complex as well. The Model 3 might be the first EV motor to use a Hallbach array (which steers and focuses magnetic flux in a PM motor) to get the crazy power density, and who…
They need different engineers, or possibly we need to begin redefining the term ‘engineer’ as things evolve. This coming from an engineer...
Yeah, FRA is an easy one. It’s 30 minutes each way by the longest train, and when I lived there it never took me more than 30 minutes from checking bags to gate, even taking a long walk to get there. Agreed that their gate areas could use a little work to make it a better place to spend time!
It looks like one of the shittier WinAmp skins
Why would you not leave the airport?! It’s practically no time to get to the center of FRA where you can walk around, grab a bite and drink, hit a museum, and be back at your gate well before the 10pm departure.
I know it’s in the editing, but I imagine he speaks like the forum goobers who type without using punctuation.
The rider or the Live Wire?
So in the future if you decide to carry a hitch-mounted bike rack, you can get one that won’t swivel and sway all over the place in the tiny class I receiver. It’s not about towing capacity, but securely mounting things back there.
Are dead baby jokes still a thing? Asking for a friend with a frunk...
Damn, that sucks. They might not be in such trouble in Denver if they hadn’t removed all the ForTwos and replaced them with Mercedes CLA and GLA instead... Which, are always in horrible state of maintenance and cleanliness.
Yep, I can’t read today. I feel very lucky that while I’m in debt, I still have a savings account and one month of their take-home would remove the last of my debt (mortgage excluded)
You’re right, I’m the one who can’t read this morning! 8k a month take-home should absolutely give you a damn good savings account, with some cash under the mattress!
“His wife works at a GM plant in Flint, Mich., and their combined strike pay of about $500 a week will be roughly a quarter of what the couple normally brings home, Mr. Vasquez said.”
Pretty car! Kevin needs a headlight upgrade though.
SHHHHHH, we’re not supposed to be letting people know!
I was wondering what the “Lt.” stood for at the beginning of your name...