
My Zune HD works perfectly too. It's a shame I can't have Spotify on it, because its DAC sounds better than every smartphone I've ever listened to. I guess I meant to say I haven't seen an update for mine in nearly 3 years :P

They're. Say's. I can believable!

You can still use it if you have a Windows Phone too. Or if you want to manage all of your media on your computer and you don't have a Zune or a Windows Phone. As Alex said, it's the iTunes to Microsoft's ecosystem. The actual Zune devices haven't been supported/updated in nearly 3 years.

I saw an ICE train in the Frankfurt hbf. a couple of weeks ago that looked about the same, only one had hit SQUARE on the nose and the resulting crater had contained most of the guts throughout its journey. Yum.

Maybe parachute, maybe clown care.

Yeah, they are no-haggle on the MSRP, but dealer installed options are a free-for-all that makes quite a bit of cash for the dealer, and I've never heard of any dealer agree to remove the options they've already installed

It can get easier, and that is where Windows Phone comes in. I find even the best Android builds clunky anymore compared to my phone.

I thought my dog was the only one that did this. We can say "Bless you" and he sneezes again.

I wonder if it would have been easier on a treadmill?

No, Scion still adds a bunch of dealer options to jack up the prices.

Yep, we're running into this right now too. We want to sell engines to Brazil, it's something like 50% minimum local content.

Because NOBODY would buy from the dealer anymore. If I could configure my car how I wanted it, and didn't have to deal with a salesman and the dealership BS that comes with buying there, it would be a no-brainer!

Cleaner than the doorknob you touched coming in?

Welcome to standard Formula 1, since oh, I don't know, forever?


I agree. Socks with sandals is just a sad story about society gone wrong :(

No, haven't heard any of the newer Lumias, though I have heard that the 800 really sounds crappy. I also haven't figured out yet if the Beats Audio thing is a marketing gimmick or actual quality components

I do believe that the 40 year figure comes from a constant acceleration of 1g for 20 years, then decelerating at 1g for the next 20 years. It gets you going pretty fast, but the people onboard would definitely experience time dilation when compared with the people back home.

Yup, legal here in Germany too

I LOVED my Zune HD. The DAC totally blew away any other mp3 player I've ever heard, and made my phones serve single-duty as music players for the car. I'm still waiting for the day that one of the windows phones comes with a decent DAC onboard :/