
Or, you know, maybe also for some of the people who don't want to spend all day riding around town slowly...

I would say that 99.99% of Facebook "hackers" are people who opened a browser with someone else's profile still logged in.

The Audioengine A5+ has it. I've heard them, and they sound WAY better than most I've heard. Also, the Paradigm Shift A2 has a power socket on the back of them that allows you to plug an Airplay into, and I'd be willing to bet they sound the best of the "wireless, powered bookshelves" out there.

Here's the thing, you can never tell what will happen while it is still happening. Nobody can, we can only speculate on the future.

Breathalyzer on your phone, anyone?

This!! You can also plug in a wireless USB keyboard into your 360 and it works just as well. I use the Logitech K700 multimedia keyboard with a built in track pad. I'll be interested to try out the mouse features when I update this afternoon...

Poor you! I can't even VIEW Netflix since I've been living in Germany.

Do you have a Windows Phone? I'm fairly certain that there is an app out there that lets you do this already, but my xbox was stolen before I had the desire to look for this. I have one that lets me(via WiFi) type and control any media player on my laptop from my WP7.

Not the Zunes themselves, but the software is regularly updated and works with my WP7.5 . The only thing I wish for is the Xbox integration, and it looks like it's here!

I agree. I have never used iTunes for more than a month because it ALWAYS screws with my Windows machines.

GOOD. I found it pitiful how little time and money they spent advertising Windows Phone 7. I still find people that have never even heard of it when they want to play with my "nifty Android skin"

So the cockroaches pull a Picard Maneuver?

By definition, a battery is a group of things that are connected. A galvanic battery is a group of chemical cells, an artillery battery is a group of weapons platforms, a large group of cages for rearing chickens, etc.. Energy batteries can be powered by galvanic action, accumulation (electrical OR mechanical), or

The place where this would be the most effective is in airports that already use the "quick boarding" gates where you scan your own boarding pass. They look exactly the same as these, only they don't sniff for explosives. Yet...

Welcome to Atlanta, where the players play.

Whoops, I thought the OP said "universe" instead of galaxy

There are, though I don't know about the US market yet. Most of the incandescent-replacement LED bulbs that you can buy here in Germany are dimmer compatible.

Just now testing it? I figured since my Windows Phone has had it for months, surely iOS and Android would have already had the feature...

It's in CHINATOWN. Why wouldn't it have a Chinese name?

This changes everything!