
Oh yes on “Coherence” - one of those movies I stumbled upon on Netflix and was happy I did. Very good movie.

Another Stephen King cat hero is Clovis, the energy vampire-killing cat of Sleepwalkers.  Maybe King is a fan of cats?

I was thinking the same thing. One of the few examples a cat as a protector/guardian against physical threats; usually a role reserved for the beloved pooch.

I went into the open beta on the fence and the thing that I think sold me on the game was the abilities. They’re just sci fi enough to be cool and powerful feeling but not absolutely ridiculous or out of place.

For a cover-based combat system, Division 2 feels extremely tight. It doesn’t have the Iron Man aspect, and that’s one thing you can’t take away from Anthem - flying around is awesome.

I kinda was hoping half way through the trailer Aunt Viv was just played by a different woman and no one said a thing. 

chokes on a turkey leg and falls down the stairs.

Do we really have to do that thing where, because the artist was an asshole, we have to act like the art was never all that great?

To be honest I’d probably agree for the majority of his career - anything that came out after the first allegations isn’t worth the time and he was in steep decline well before that. But Thriller is still a pretty singular work. And I’m not even super into pop. It was just that good.

He has made some of the best and most enduring pop music ever. His music will remain popular regardless of what he has done in his personal life. Which has also been pretty publicly known for about 30 years. 

Ich bin ein Summer Islander?

I cant tell you how little time I hope is spent on the Grey Worm storyline.  I’m in pain just getting a glimpse of it.

Art vs artist etc. Your only comment about the film itself is that it’s highly fictionalized, which I don’t mind. Social Network was highly fictionalized along with other based on a true story films that are awesome.

Anyone who believed this for even a second, and this includes you Billy Boy, is an utter fool. 

Or he's a publicity seeking dick. 

I expect clarity on this in a documentary series on Netflix 20 years from now.

Now playing

I’m black too. That’s why I laugh at sites like this. I wrote this the other day, but it’s just white people screaming at other white people for being white... and it’s all for this kinda sadistic need to make black people happy. Just use your head man. Take race out of it. Most people are good. Some people are bad.

Only in this era can a black guy (me for what it’s worth) be blindly labeled racist because I don’t automatically froth with nebulous rage every time a bunch of whites people insist I should.  

Attention. People lie to get attention all the time.

- The AV Club.