

The Nolans’\Ledger’s take on the character works best for me precisely because it dispenses with the psychologized backstory and makes the character a complete unknown, an agent of entropy whose origin/identity is superseded by the forces he represents. In trying to explain the reasons *why* the villain is the way he

I can’t look at her without seeing White Girl from Freeway II: Confessions of a Trick Baby.

Slow news day.

> Jacob’s new Ladder only goes down, into the pits of crappy remake hell

The busted souffle of Matrix 3 is still cooling on the floor. The first two sequels watched like fanfic of the original. What are the chances this generates no heat in the culture wars?

So is Aleksandar Hemon, a Bosnian-American MacArthur-grant winner and author of critically adored but little-read works that zzzzzz.

> Aleksander Hemon

I can’t recall how the zeitgeist immediately processed the film, but I distinctly remember leaving the theater disappointed, and dispirited with the franchise (I was 22).

*red pen hovering... hovering...*


To be fair, kids fucking suck.

There are two variety of complaints here. First, that the narrative choices are bullshit (think the late-game frattening of Jaime or Danny going rogue), and second that the narrative compaction resulting from the showrunner’s eagerness to move on to other things denied us the pacing and development crucial to a

None of these moments have been earned, and that’s why the season is a shit taco.


*chasesRobot_Jox” out of the thread, swatting his hind quarters a with rolled up newspaper*

Crossbow technology in general apparently.

Rationalizing shitty Game of Thrones writing is the new contrarianism. 

you are literally Hitler

This whole season is bad fan fic. GRRM IS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE..

Game of Fan Service

I would be OK with this.