
I'm kinda over zombie movies.

Red = offensive attribute, Blue = defensive, Yellow = skill. This matters because certain gear traits (the special, cool shit gear does) have minimum/maximum numbers for one or another attribute to activate, so you have to be mindful when building a load out 

Coherence was surprisingly good.

No General from “Cat’s Eye”? This list is BULLSHIT.

Yea, this. It’s a novelty, not the future.

I’m happy to see that Jeremy Renner’s head features prominently in this poster.

Jaime’s going to go out in an epic, poetic act of self sacrifice, which will bring his excellent character arc to a satisfying conclusion I hope though probably not really.

People who crop up in comment sections to issue cultural fatwas against problematic artists care less about art than they do about gatekeeping. They can be safely ignored.

At least three of us own that album.

Underrated comment.

It was crystal clear that Martin was the MVP of this series as soon as the show completely passed the books and devolved into unoriginal fan-indulgence.

A real win for women would be if a high-profile movie written and directed by a woman, starring a woman, could fail or succeed on artistic merit rather than as some stupid fucking proxy in the culture wars.

Saying the art is shit because the artist is shit is ad hominem nonsense though.

Ah, the an assholes-shouldn’t-have-nice-things take on art criticism. I haven’t seen Greenbook because I generally don’t care for conspicuous moralizing or messaging in art, but I’ve read a number of synopses, and it seems the film’s primary sin is that a racist is presented as not-completely-irredeemable, and/or

I think you may have replied to the wrong person?

Ah, the an assholes-shouldn’t-have-nice-things take on art criticism. I haven’t seen Greenbook because I generally don’t care for conspicuous moralizing or messaging in art, but I’ve read a number of synopses, and it seems the film’s primary sin is that a racist is presented as not-completely-irredeemable, and/or that

Why? I often see this stated as axiomatic with little or no justification. More often than not it manifests as petty gatekeeping that runs orthogonal to artistic merit.

In addition to these, further review of wiki revealed numchuk, bow-hunting, and computer-hacking skills.

Maybe you should reconsider this strategy of conceding critical-thinking skills to the Breitbart crowd. It makes you look like a fucking tool.

Let’s review.