
His whole story stank like bad TV writing. Everyone's SHOCK over this matches perfectly. 

Wasn’t the Isaac Brock allegation debunked as well?

Anthony Daniels and C-3PO are both fucking terrible.

How exactly is it clear that I don’t give a shit about LGBTQ+ people? Because I didn’t jump on the Fuck-Pratt Bandwagon? That seems a pretty fragile standard for fidelity to a cause, but aight.

No, but she had absolute influence on me and my sister when we were kids. She had some pretty gross views that were pretty normal at the time. She also loved us and protected us and supported us, which isn’t the sort of thing you just toss out because some assholes on the Internet discovered Manichean dualism.

Ah yes, the old you’re-with-us-or-you’re-against us moral philosophy. Hey, it worked for Republicans after 9/11, why wouldn’t you take a page from that shitty playbook.

I mean, it’s right there in his response. They stood by him through his divorce.

Ah, religious wars. Wonderful.


I actually wondered if it weren’t a matter of the MCU creating what dumb fucking critics see as some kind of Platonic ideal of what a super hero movie should be, and MNS just picking up more or less where he left off. Unbreakable, for all its strengths, and for as much as I love it, bucked both the camp of the genre

Ya know, I’m one of those Gen Xers who disliked The Last Jedi for nonpolitical reasons and who avoided Solo as a result (but loves Brick/Loopers yadda yadda). I finally got around to watching Solo shortly after it came out on VOD and really, really enjoyed it. So much so that I rewatched it with my dad over the

I am neither a Zach Snyder cultist nor a Nazi, and I hated TLJ.

This shit is Star Trek tech. Seriously, get one.

This shit is Star Trek tech. Seriously, get one.

Clegane Bowl is the shark, and when it's jumped the anguished cry you hear will be mine.

I like where your head's at.

Speaking for all of Generation X: get fucked, crybaby.

This is exactly how, after Zartan murdered the Hard Master, which cast suspicion on Stormshadow and effectively dissolved the Arashikage clan, then-Colonel Hawk, and former-Vietnam platoonmate, Stalker, found Snake Eyes living a cabin in the High Sierras and recruited him to the G.I. Joe Team.

A television show didn’t present a clear moral position and now you’re confused as to how you should feel? That’s the most depressingly pathetic admission I’ve read in a long time, John. 

Are you suggesting Jamaicans can't be ruthless gangsters? Seems a little racist to me.

Good. Louie’s a creep, and he’s funny and creative, and I’m eager to see what else he’s got in the can.