
Agreed. I think we need to embrace the idea that not all shows should be renewed for 8 seasons. The original office lasted only 12 episodes plus a Christmas special . . . .

It’s an inherently limited premise. The first season was great because it was about high school students investigating a crime at their own school. The second season was less interesting partially because it wasn’t their school. Peter and Sam didn’t have any history with the school or anyone in it. The third season

Why did you THINK it was named that?

hahaha who? That Chinese A.I. they got to review new music? They didn’t spring for the movie review algorithms, and io9 ain’t sharing. 

I didn’t even have to read this article to know what it said. You see Reddit in the headline (and Barsanti on the byline) and you pretty much get the gist.

Cap’s not dying. He’s going to live on a farm upstate, with trees and lots of room to run.

Raid 2 mixes the action with a much more traditional East Asia gangster story and a cameraman disguised as a car seat.


So in this thread we have people who think Norm is a middling comedian, a shitty person, and thinks his guest appearances on a bland ass sitcom are reflective of his career as a whole. These are all takes I hate and disagree with but whatever.

Now playing

Look, I understand that Norm Macdonald may have irreparably fucked his career going forward, but your list not including this interview pretty much invalidates it:

Holy shit, I could not disagree with the general anti-metaphysics take in this article The whole psychic battle of wills thing fucking *makes* the climax of IT, the book, for me. One of my hugest disappointments around the movie was the way it turned the battle against Pennywise from something that was really a test

I walked away from IT feeling extremely disappointed. The mystery was gone. Pennywise was reduced to scary clown with scary clown teeth, and Skarsgard basically imitated Gollum for 2 hours. The kids were shadows, basically representing their fears just enough to justify Pennywise attacking them. Richie, once my

*canned laughter*

The Big Bang Theory 

Feel it, feel it.

Norm = best comedian, best Canadian, best talk show guest, and, goddamn it, looks like he’s one of the nicest people in the world too. Seriously - he wrote some very funny stuff, then worried that Lena Dunham would take offense and took steps to avoid that, and apologized.

“In a sworn deposition this week, O.J. Simpsons claimed that he never beat, choked, or hit his ex-wife with a closed or open fist. Luckily for O.J., lawyers forgot to ask if he had ever cut her head off.”

Lena’s tweets are asinine, navel gazing, preposterous virtue signalling gunk. That’s probably why Norm was having fun mocking her. All is right in the world.

This isn’t a valid critique of BlacKkKlansman. It sounds like Riley wanted Lee to make a movie about something other than what Lee made a movie about, but a critique should be focused on the story a movie is trying to tell, not what you wish it was about instead.

Okay, I’ll give you that.