
You also can’t deny the joys of Punch-Out. That is the one that I continually go back to.

I really do not care if this is an Oscar level performance.

Exactly. If you work for a company lets say, and attack its fans for merely making a polite suggestion, you would probably be fired too. To add to that, she then implied sexism, misogyny and a reddit backed conspiracy...all for her own mistake of needlessly insulting a fan of her work and her employers. Unacceptable

Now playing

This seems as good a place as any to leave this.

Err... my comment was pretty mild, man. You do you.

I’m glad I saw this comment because I thought I was getting way too out of touch with the music scene as I scrolled through this list.

Jeez, tell me about it. I only know two, Prince and Robyn. I keep checking myself for the smell of cats piss.

I mean, leave the AV Club if you feel you must, but talking to family? Don’t get crazy now. 

I’m of two minds on this issue. On the one hand, I think Abrams left Johnson with a sack of wet garbage in terms of story and world-building, so a course correction was in order. On the other hand, I don’t think the direction Johnson took was very good either, and I don’t think negating everything from the first

I too think TLJ rather than Solo is the culprit here. We’re now far enough away from TLJ’s release that the hype has died down and it’s now possible to admit that it wasn’t a great movie without being dismissed as a reactionary neckbeard. It was a dour and depressing story about failure that does a disservice to all

One the one hand, all you really need to do to beat Destiny is just rip it off but make it better, as Destiny left the door wide open for that. But you still need to make it better. And so far you can’t point out anything at Anthem to say “THAT’S why its better.”

Inquisition?! Don’t even get me started on that.

fresh, inconceivable tragedy: a freak accident so upsetting, in its real-life possibility and aftermath, that it defiantly breaches the standard contract of multiplex-ready genre “entertainment”

“It Solos”

This is the third or fourth time in recent memory we’ve been wound up with “all time horror classic.” It Follows, the Babadook, the Witch, A Quiet Place.

I’m so afraid to see this movie but by gum, I’m going to do it.

That’s on sale on Steam atm, and apparently there are some supermods that improve it a lot.

This case never bothered me that much. I don’t see why the couple couldn’t have found another less shitty baker. This a private citizen deciding not to provide a good or service to another person. I believe that’s fully within his rights to deny service, just like its fully within other people’s rights to boycott the

I’m pretty sure you meant to say that you don’t even own a tv

Oh, bullshit. Maher’s show is a thoughtful alternative to the moronic Sunday-morning programs. I don’t agree with everything he says but he’s not hateful. Left-of-center types who whine about Maher make me tired.