
How dare someone honestly relay their experience with something when asked!

Winter Soldier was really good. The Dark Knight was a masterpiece.

I hate TLJ, and I feel the same way; people defending it make me double down. The truth is it’s just kind of lame, not genuinely awful.

Counter-point: Greatest movie based on a comic book character, of all-time.

Even better: give him a Kinja account. The community is full of humorless twats.

It’s consistently funny and enjoyable. It’s total fluff and that’s okay. Give it a whirl!

The show is fan-fucking-tastic!

As someone who has never been into zombie media, I’ve enjoyed this show way more than I expected to.

DDL should start appearing in a string of stupid, pointless comedies. He’s done the Very Serious Actor thing for 30+ years now and should change it up. Yeah yeah, he’s retired, whatever. He should take a page out of Eric Roberts’s book.

1993 called; it wants its “I’m sure this year is thrilled” jokes back.

If classic rock has a lily white problem (other than blow) it’s the genre’s problem, not Hyden’s. The phrase itself evokes names that first appeared on the scene in the 1960s and 70s. Aerosmith makes it in because before becoming glam pop rockers around the time of Permanent Vacation, they made some truly outstanding

“There was a similar sort of buzz around previous “anthology film” Rogue One, with director Gareth Edwards claiming it’d be a “war movie” that explored shades of gray within the typically binary galaxy. There were flecks of that in the finished movie, but most of it was apparently left on the cutting-room floor...”


“This is an utterly heinous film, even by the late Garry Marshall’s standards”

The interesting thing about the “Canadian” accent that’s portrayed in American media is that it’s basically an Albertan accent, so that makes sense. However, I think “eh” is more of a thing than the rest of us would care to admit. I don’t have an accent at all but people usually pretty quickly figure out I’m Canadian

I play The Touch every time I have sex.

Natalie Portman is someone who seems to know how to act on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but belongs in a Gatorade commercial on most other days.

My only Stephen Hawking anecdote from my teaching days when they had to write to a famous person.

There’s no way to say this without sounding like That Guy, so I will now own being That Guy in this instance.