
Still a terrible film.

Get Out was a fine movie. A fine Twilight Zone, Darkside, type movie. Let’s not pretend it was anything else

I just told them I voted for McCain, Romney and Trump. The kids all replied “Yes Coach!”

Why are you covering Milo on infowars for God’s sake? You people are addicted to a professional troll.

Dr. Smith was a confirmed bachelor.

I’m just amazed to find out that they’ve apparently kept Jake Lloyd in cryogenic stasis for the past 20 years.

Now playing

It’s...a conundrum. Around the midpoint of the record I have to take a break. Caterwauling is just too much.

Eh, if you don’t like whiny, unstructured vocals, you’re gonna have a bad time.

I am so with you there. Dragon Age: Origins is pretty much my all-time favorite, and it’s been depressing what’s happened with the sequels.

Because “gamers” fetishize game length over game experience and they judge games purely from a $-per-hour standpoint. For instance, Gone Home was maybe 4 hours for me, and so cost $5/hour or so, while Fallout 3 I played for maybe 50 or so and ended up being $1/hour. From a lot of “gamers” perspectives, Fallout 3 would

Fuck that I want rigid structure.

Will I be able to understand this if I haven’t seen the Pink Panther?

I thought Sliney (and the others who played themselves) did a fantastic job in United 93, as evidenced by the fact that apart from sliney, I don’t know who was playing themselves as opposed to a character, which means they did a good job. Sliney was particularly good; I doubt that many people who didn’t know who he

It’s 280 characters now, dude, get with the programme!

Are we sure he wasn’t doing this interview in character as Richard? Starts out talking about a successful new project, gets asked about something else and starts giving kind of bad answers that could result in negative press, gets flustered and tries to salvage things, but ends up digging himself deeper. And then

Thomas Middleditch starring in the new AV Club Interview Series: “Is *This* Your Landmine?”

Dead like Me Season 3 in the works, Calling it now

This is what I’ve been saying... it’s Fuller that’s the problem here. I think he’s a DIVAAAAA.

Found a stash of Oui and Club in a shanty lean-to not far from the railroad tracks that crossed the far end of the family farm. As a young lad I assumed it was a hobo camp, but seeing as how I’m not sure how many bindle-toting ne’er-do-wells were actually riding the rails in rural PA in the late 80s, I’m guessing it

One of the best things about Get Out is that it gave people who see only one horror movie per year something to talk about other than It Follows.