
This may be an unpopular opinion but RAPE IS THE BEST THING EVER.

I’m pretty sure this guy is my friend Phil. Sorry not sorry.

I’m beginning to see a pattern to the AV Club Assistant Editor hazing.

Carbonite. The word you’re looking for is Carbonite.


I want to like them but I nope out after twenty seconds of Mangum whine.

What military junta do I have to support before we can retire the word “troll”?

Least Essential never required so little effort!

Count me among those who didn’t know Tool, The Melvin’s, and Sebastian Bach are bros.

I’m curious how game designers came to the conclusion that gamers wanted all of their games to be open world.

You’re the real cultural touchstone here, Fronzel Neekburm.

Intersectionality is a false flag op. Wake up sheeple!


I see Corgan’s slow transition into Sloth from The Goonies is nearly complete.

Everyone is talking about this, so we should talk about it. Wow, look how everyone is talking about this!

I’ve been coming here since the early aughts. Over time more and more content has become political in a not-terribly-sophisticated way. Like MTV’s embarrassing political slant in the 90s but more Woke. As I’ve gotten older my tolerance for cookie-cutter snark and hawt takes has plummeted. I got an onion on my belt,

bwanna bwanna bwanna bwaaaa

The MCU is ten years old. Ten years ago, I was 31 and the Marvel formula wasn’t yet formulaic. I’ve realized recently that I’ve been watching these last few films out of habit with diminishing returns, which is maybe a sign that these movies are no longer my thing.

This is why you don’t outsource distribution logistics to your pothead nephew.

Yea, I’m done with Marvel movies. I can’t tell whether I’ve aged out of the subject material or aged into higher expectations for movies in general. I kinda feel the same way about Star Wars though, too, which surprises me, because that’s one property I thought I’d never outgrow.

I mean, I’m not above watching trash