
I’d like to nail this post to the Internet’s forehead.

How do we not have modern flight sim fighters like X-Wing/TIE Fighter yet?

It’s just tribal wagon circling, and brother nobody does tribal fuck-you like the deep South. The more the media pile on, the tighter the circle gets.

Yea, it’s not like there’s any black people in Alabama.

Are we not doing “phrasing”?

I hated the ending of the first movie when I saw it, but when I look back on it now it makes me laugh every time.

Where’s my Dan Radcliffe/Elijah Wood buddy comedy?

O Elijah Wood, will you ever cease to be perfectly affable and charming?

Developers often refer to little iterative tweaks as QOL changes. It’s a thang.

It’s the Nessus-specific story (not Red War). The start point shows up as a blue banner on the world map.

Imply, never show, the monster. Let the imagination do the heavy lifting.

everybody loves a good slapfight.

Yes! I’ll forever associate Creek Drank the Cradle with Fall.

#3 would have worked best. *mighty mouse theme*

Those zigs and zags were almost all from the source material. Unable to replicate Martin’s masterful plot twists, the writing staff has defaulted to full fan service mode.

Physics is for pussies!

Yea, I immediately thought of my TVClub brethren and sistren when I first began to explore this shitdisco. Can’t wait for those 1500+ GoT and The 100 threads.

Huh. As far as I can tell, it completely wiped out my AVC-Disqus comment history, though it apparently imported my old avatar (since changed). Anybody else encountering this particular shitfiasco?

Should we be able to see our posting histories? Mine’s empty, but it imported my Disqus avatar.

Fuck. I think I did it wrong. My avatar is gone and my posting history is empty. Whaaaaaat