Poor Renner. Nobody wants what he's slingin.
Poor Renner. Nobody wants what he's slingin.
Luke the stockboy just got a pink slip for the lulz.
Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of that song? I'd say it's right at home in this movie.
Looks like Joey went digging in the wrong garbage file.
I love Bronn. We all love Bronn. But I can't think of a better end to his arc than him dying valiantly trying to take down a dragon, his spoils discarded in the dust. The writers really dropped the ball by not pulling the trigger.
If Cleganebowl goes down, I'm gonna fist-murder all you clowns. That is some singularly dumb fanshit.
I guess Spielberg read the early reviews for KoTKS and decided to skip it like everybody else.
Granted, my multiplayer experience is limited to Quake 2 and Battlefield 2, but I think the movement and gunplay in D1 are phenomenal, except for bloom and Titan skating. And bloom isn't even much of a factor once you learn to compensate as a matter of course. Fuck Titan skating though (says the dedicated Hunter).
One thing I noticed is that the crit hit multiplier vs. AI has been significantly increased from D1, so hitting headshots makes a huge difference, especially against bosses.
Saying and doing outrageous shit to make the left frothy (not a difficult achievement to unlock) doesn't qualify Milo as a "leading libertarian" anymore than it makes Ann Coulter a "leading conservative" or Kathy Griffin a "leading progressive."
Agreed on all counts. Destiny 1 PVP, even with a number of frustrating almost-game-breaking mechanics (Titan skating?) was like sex to play.
Regarding cooldowns, it's almost certain Bungie will tweak the base numbers before the game launches. We were also granted access to only a sliver of armor types available, which appeared to be missing mods to reduce ability cooldowns, but which will also almost certainly be in the game.
The dialog between ghost and whatever the robot AI is called in the strike immediately reminded me of the stupid attack droid dialog from The Phantom Menace, and I say that as a big Destiny fanboy.
Worse, they embrace the view that intention is irrelevant, that the morality of an act should be evaluated purely by the outcome/consequence. But this evaluative standard is itself an exception reserved for perceived aggressions against marginalized groups. Not one of these people would argue that, for example, murder…
Great analysis. I sympathize with Stone and Parker because my own politics are decidedly left-center, but I increasingly find myself unsympathetic toward a lot of people with whom I nominally agree. A lot of it has to do with attitude, approach, hypocrisy, general ugliness, etc. Though we may agree on the ends, I'm…
Lighten up, Francis.
What do either of those have to do with libertarianism? Do you even know what libertarianism is?
I agree completely with regard to messaging and point of view. I think that's one of the great enduring strengths of South Park.
I think that anybody dumb enough to say, I'M ALL IN SUPPORT OF WHAT'S BEHIND LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE DOOR, AND TO HELL WITH THE OTHER SIDE, has a childish, unsophisticated understanding of politics.
Name one piece of libertarian wankery Parker and Stone have pushed on the show. Go ahead, take your time, I'll wait.