
Parker and Stone have more money than God. The idea that they're worried about losing viewership over the thematics of their show is laughable to anyone who's seen more than half an episode.

Holding Southpark responsible for the alt-right is like holding All in the Family responsible for racists in the 70s.

Stop hitting yourself.

I wanna see Rick Grimes literally jump a shark on water skis.

I'm stealing "the dialectic equivalent of a Peeing Calvin sticker" without attribution. Come take it back, O'Neal, if you got the stones.


Republican politician elected by Republicans supports Republican positions. You're right. What a maroon.

That's like, literally the opposite of McCain's very public, very consistent stance on torture, including waterboarding, since forever.

Jaime and Cersei Lannister shared a womb together. They were born into the world together. They became lovers and fathered children together. The show has hammered home at every turn that they have always existed for one another before all others.

Were Tony Scott alive and directing, this sequel would still be ill advised, but I might actually watch it.

GBV bukkake, turn into it.

All I hear all day long at school is how great Jon Snow is at this or how wonderful Jon Snow did that… JON SNOW, JON SNOW, JON SNOW!

out with the crap, in with the crap

Why all y'all poo pooing titties

Woa, pacifico, man. I wasn't attacking you. I wasn't even invoking you personally in my comment.

People are tribal as fuck. Believing we've evolved beyond that because we have Tinder and Facebook is less realistic to me than belief in a sky wizard.

Agreed 100% (atheist here). Anyone who thinks that, absent religion, human beings wouldn't find reasons to murder, persecute, or subjugate one another on a massive scale is as guilty of "magical thinking" as any devout theist.

Yea, that's the typical response I've gotten from others, a general offense at the suggestion that black Americans are responsible for their emotional response, and I absolutely get that, but opprobrium doesn't address the relative effectiveness of the tactic.

The radical point (by our contemporary standard of evaluation) Kareem makes is that context and intent matter, which is contrary to what a lot of social justice theorists and activists believe.
The anecdote about Bruce is interesting to me because I've often reasoned the same thing. I was raised in Mississippi in the

But how does Chris Tucker feel about it?