
So it's Queen of the Damned?

wall stuff*

It was forgettable.

She kissed him at the end, right before they split up for their respective suicide runs. But, yea, the relationship was mostly chemical.

Speaking for all fans of the original movie, I'll tell you only one guy wanted a GB3 with the original cast, and he eats glue.

I wanted this movie to be good but it wasn't. Kate McKinnon and Thor had some nice moments though.

Go say that shit in a Doctor Who thread. I triple dog dare you.


I'd cut out my own tongue before I called anyone that word, even someone I hated. But I also kinda think we're approaching Knights-Who-Say-Ni levels of silliness with respect to context-free outrage over mere utterances.

This looks terrible.

As a straight dude too, I was really impressed by how The Invitation set up and through little details revealed that Tommy and Miguel were together. I was meh on the movie in general, but I was fully invested in their fate. Their sexuality was obvious, but it was neither under- or overstated. They were just a couple,

I'd be more interested in seeing non-het characters represented seamlessly in TV and movies rather than production companies just run to pack as many characters as they can into programming. How neat would it be to see fully realized characters without the narrative ticks/tells that serve as giant pulsating neon "A

Whitey Moperock was my favorite Doozer.

Nice try Mr. Gordian Knotcutter! (Also your Jedi name.)

You're really close to a No-Prize but I'm still not satisfied.

Or how Anakin-as-old-man popped up at the end of Jedi.

Can somebody explain to me why Anakin Skywalker didn't just appear as a Force ghost to Kylo Ren and tell him not to be such a dick? Is there something in the canon preventing Force goodies from spectral projecting at Force baddies?

Same. 1991 to 1994 I was 15-18. I thought grunge was silly. Still do. But I made an exception for Soundgarden. Badmotorfinger was my jams. Chris, by every fucking account was a really good dude, and God those pipes. I am sad.

Prescriptivist/Descriptivist DANCE OFF

Well. Fuck.