
This is my favorite AV Club interview ever. Thanks.

Our snark is mildly funny.

If rectitude is a prerequisite for you to enjoy a piece of art, I recommend never learning anything about your favorite artists, like ever.


I tried tagging a synagogue with a swastika once but could only manage a ZZ Top logo.

Not a euphemism… OR IS IT?


Larry Hama semirealism or gtfo.

Dead people chilling in bean bag chairs.

Yea, this was my gripe. The original JP had heart.

I'd argue that, in a movie whose main draw is dinosaurs wrecking shit and eating people, there's no such thing as "unnecessarily brutal," unless one's suggesting that the level of violence isn't commensurate with the movie's rating (meh).

"If you want to show off 'gender parity' in the death scenes, than show women getting killed by the dinos the same way and same frequency that the men are."

That baby has a manface.

This headline was confusing.

I'd kill to be Navy Santa.

I'm withholding judgement until Dan Fogelberg and/or John Denver weigh in.

Don't worry, there are alternate universes where Eddie Vedder proclaimed each of them the godfather of grunge.

Woods cover of Nash's "Military Madness" is superior to the original.

Think of all the good they could do!

No Stephen Stills pull quote? This news bite is trash.