
Maybe the main storyline, sure. I like that they're experimenting with genre/style in the anthology series.

That's kinda like walking into a dive bar in Portland and asking who the fuck wants to drink PBR.

I fail to see what bemoaning an artist's lack of moral purity has to do with appreciating their art. Unless moral purity, however you define it, is a necessary prerequisite to appreciating art, in which case enjoy the one or two books, albums, plays, paintings, etc., that live up to that ridiculous standard.

I still think it's curious that people demand moral purity from the artists whose work they admire. Artists aren't your friends or behavioral role models. You can love a work and think the artist is an asshole, and you can think an artist is a good person and regard their work as shit. Or, if you're a fucking grown


My addiction dwindled with each season until season 5, by which time it was merely a light habit and I just stopped watching.

"Is this your first 3-D movie?"

Let's start a club. My mom just bought a stack of Totinos and I got a DVR slam full of Rockford Files.

Ha, I feel the opposite. I go back and rewatch it at least once every couple of years. I've subjected more girlfriends and potential ex-girlfriends to that movie than any other. It's an excellent movie based on an excellent source. Not a single misstep. I cry like a baby throughout, even after all these years. No


The writing was really poor, and I think Finn Jones was poorly cast. Tom Pelphrey was the best part of that show. Not coincidentally, he's the only one with an actual character arc.

This experience sounds like it could've been an episode of Horace and Pete. No shit.

That's just it, he didn't market it at all. Nobody knew anything about it until he put it up on his site. There was zero fanfare. I think some of the disappointment came from people trying to process the show in terms of his other catalog while they were watching it. They were expecting "Louie" and got American

I fucking loved Horace and Pete. CK is a brilliant observer of the little things we do to wreck and heal our relationships with one another. The scene where he's sitting with his daughter on the bench during one of their perfunctory father-daughter reconciliation appointments, when it comes up that he's recently

Damn irresponsible comedy!

The Empire Carpet guy's voice was soothing as fuck. Eight year old me like hell ya I'll buy your carpet.

My entire sex life is dependent on women who have sex with clowns.

As you should.

You are my fucking hero.

I'm pretty sure I learned my first profanities just to express frustration at the maladroit gimps they invariably chose to miss THE FIRST FUCKING PAIL.