
I've maintained for almost 20 years that Under the Bushes Under the Stars is one of the best entrance points to GBV, but any of the three successive albums, Bee Thousand, Alien Lanes, and UTBUTS is a winner imo.


Stop, just stop. You had me at analingus.

The mobility and gun play are unrivaled for a shooter, even taking into account some of the more annoying tendencies of the PVP sandbox team to upend the meta every five to six months by nerfing the shit out of any gear/subclass that's popular/successful.

It's a lazy comparison that says more about the neuroses of left-leaning A&E critics than it does the character in question.


I love that dude so hard. Please god somebody cast him against type for once. I need to see what he can really do.

I just want a show about the two Beckys.

Everybody knows Jews are postgoth.


Came for the goatse references. Was not disappointed.

I thought it was a great little short film. Arthouse but accessible.

Y'all gettin' my dick hard.

This is primarily why I'm so excited for ep. VIII. It's going to be fascinating to see how 30+ years of working hard at the edges of entertainment, particularly his excellent voicework, has shaped him as an actor. Not counting his self parody work, this is the first time most people will see him in front of a camera.

The problem is a broader difference in philosophy between the Right and Left.

An Internet troll makes a few appearances at universities and nobody cares but a couple hundred people.

Then maybe progressives shouldn't have overreacted and handed him the sort of profile that resulted him getting booked by Maher.

I can't believe no one's mentioned his role as the new-age-dentist-turned-nihilist in Thumbsucker.

If you didn't want to be Batman for ten or 15 years maybe you shouldn't have signed up for a cinematic universe, Mr. Affleck.

Something in my brain snapped when I saw Thumbsucker. He was so good in that, so perfectly cast against type (at least initially). It was a small morsel of a role. The rest of that movie, excepting the relationship between the boy and his dad (an excellent Vincent D'Onofrio) was pretty forgettable, but it forever