

I like the stylistic departures. There's a pretty clear lineage from Post-Nothing to this album, and I like the sonic changes overall. If I want to listen to P-N, I'll listen to P-N. I'd rather they not recycle the same album.

"Sovereignty" fucks hard.

Content producer. Someone who is not a journalist who produces content for a website. Trump's a tool. That doesn't make all fat, greasy thumbs squirming for liberal eyesockets "alt right" thumbs.

People analyze shit on the Internet like drunks piss in public, with a lot of conviction but not a lot of diligence and care.

Ugh. Do we really have four years of content producers labeling any dickhead thing said or written to troll progressives as "alt right"? Because that is some lazy fucking shit.

Hate the Cowboys but love Dak. I'm pulling for him.

Holy shit, I just realized Tenoch from Y Tu Mama Tambien is Cassian Andor. Suck it, Gael García Bernal!

A not insignificant number of white working class voters have been hit hard by automation and outsourcing. For thirty years they watched Democrats abandon labor and switch from the party of the working class to the party of aggrieved minorities. An election comes along where they, ignorantly or not, vote for the guy

Are you sure we watched the same movie?

When what's being satirized is light years more ridiculous than the actual satire, it's fair to say it's resistant to satire.

As this article demonstrates, there are few cities more resistant to satire than Portland, OR, which is precisely why I never found Portlandia all that amusing.

There are other bookstores in Portland in which vast numbers of people have come, so it all works out.

"If we take their word for it"

I'll take this opportunity to plug Armchair Books in SE Portland (if it's still around). If you're looking for the most extensive collection of trashy romance novels West of the Mississippi, natty old Nat Geos, moth-eaten pulp Westerns, or moderately used physical media pornography, Armchair is the place for you!

Try living in Atlanta. I'd give my left nut (NOT the right nut; we have too much history) for Portland traffic.

I'm from Mississippi and I spent my twenties (about six years) in Portland. The first time I flew home for holidays, I felt the weirdest sense of relief when I got off the plane and saw black folks.

I just want to say that AVClub comment section is the greatest place on the Internet, and you fine people are the best of its denizens. Please, never change.

Yup, both right and left, taken to their extremes, end in fundamentalism. Fuck fundamentalism. That's my politics.

This is a proportional response.