
So I heard you diddled some kids in a public restroom. It's just an accusation, but I've never been presented any reason to believe the accusation is a lie.

I love this fucking guy. His performance in Frank wins him 1000000000 good wills and good feels from me.

I was enjoying the Mistborn books well enough until Sanderson used the phrase "hat trick," which gave me whiplash it was so out of place in the fantasy milieu.

Ugh, the fucking Cowboys? *tosses St. Vincent albums in the trash*

"[L]iberal talking points followed by applause breaks. No laughs."

David Cross, subtle.

My mom, now retired, was a public school teacher for 30 years. When I was a kid, after dinner she'd sit on the floor in front of the TV and play hand after hand of Solitaire—a mindless, repetitive, act—to let her brain uncramp from the day. Later, when she got a laptop, she did the same thing virtually.

I remember really fucking liking this movie as a teen. I haven't seen it since. I wonder if it holds up.

What? He IS smiling.

Looks like a fuckin' clown to me.

My inspiration is tapped. I have no more feels to give.

Aw baby, that's just pillow talk.

I keep waiting for Bran's eyebrows to turn into butterflies and fly away.


I think you're confusing the "little birds" with ravens?

Drunk Ben Affleck is entertaining.


It's fucking River Phoenix all over again. Goddamnit.

Unplug the Internet. We're fucking done here.

The bulk of great artists and performers throughout history were inveterate assholes.