
But see, there's absolutely nothing compelling about that at all. Sandore's redemption doesn't require confrontation with his brother, is in fact more interesting because it doesn't indulge in easy cliche.
Cleganebowl displays all the worst qualities of most fan fic. It's unimaginative and bad! Turning Sandore into a

Lady Stoneheart in my opinion was one of the worst ideas Martin had, and I bet money he has trouble carrying that to a conclusion that will satisfy his fans. At any rate, she's definitely not important to the narrative of the show and would, by any reckoning, only muddle things further just as the show runners are

Cleganebowl is stupid. It's always been stupid. It's the Alien-vs-Predator of ASoIaF. Why, after everything he's been through, would Sandore give a shit about his brother? The beautiful thing about The Hound is that he easily has the richest and most satisfying character arc in the story (both show and books, although

i'm not sure what "vapid slice of pie" means but i lorfed.

His voice ruins their music for me. Always has.

I thought the whole Iron Islands thread in the books was completely dull. The problem there (shared also by Dorne) is the lack of characterization. All of the main and bit players are barely perceptible shades of pirate. Why should I be invested in which one leads the others?

And yet these same people were fine with the bold choice of casting Idris Elba as a Norse god. Were fine with Nick Fury. Etc. The basic concept of toying with conventions is fine, as long as it doesn't involve white people.

If your response to movie casting is the same as your response to campus rape or police brutality, you may need to consider a little something called proportional response. Issues are no longer considered on their case-by-case merits. To some, all are tributaries feeding the great river of social injustice and require

Jesus yes, this. The Internet is all porn, cats, and existential howling. Two out of three ain't bad.

I grew up in the 80s/90s Bible belt where fundamentalism was the rule. That's all this stuff is: progressive fundamentalism. It's just as dumb and harmful as the kooky religious kind. Just because it's couched in good intentions doesn't make it right.

The term "social justice warrior" refers ironically to people who spend an inordinate amount of time on the Internet complaining about petty issues with the flimsiest relation to social justice. The guy's diagnosis is absolutely right: because moral propriety is tied to feelings, and everybody feels differently, the

Every dumb Internet outrage dilutes my sympathy for the next outrage. I'm currently hovering around 0.1 ppm.

Tempest in a fucking teacup.

Vitally, all reputation gains have been increased significantly, which means more rank-up packages in less time. Additionally, Sterling Treasure boxes can drop rep boosters that further increase rep gains for 2 hours.

Terriers are relentless and curious. It was a fine name for a series. More opaquely named shows have had great success. As others have observed, the marketing is what killed it.

One of my favorite shows of all time. Logue and Raymond-James had some of the best chemistry I've ever seen between two actors. Donal Logue is a goddamn treasure and he deserves better. Watch it; you won't be disappointed.

You had me at Let Nick Offerman Blow You.

That's when you just stuck a firecracker in the waistband and lit the fuse. The GI Joe equivalent of "doing the humane thing."

There's an issue of the comic that has this very complaint as the plot. Mainframe is sent in to hack the plans for a Terrordrome in some mideast country. He's appointed some young Arab freedom fighter kid as a guide and the kid is all bitchy about the assignment because he thinks Mainframe isn't a real warrior. In the

Yea, I made it through Battleforce 2000… barely. But I cached in when Hama rolled out the Eco warriors and that ham fisted anti-drug storyline. Ugh.