
Holy shit. I remember that. Bunch of Romans sitting around a fire sexing up their pita bread. I thought about that for YEARS after every time I ate pizza. It always tasted better that way.

Larry Hama is a GOD.


So you're saying the death of a gay character is some kind of weird synecdoche for homophobia in the wider culture? Because, if so, yours may be the smartest sounding dumb post I've ever read.

Matt Damon's go-to role is wise-ass, but he's also done some decent character work. There are a lot of amazingly talented black actors worthy of acclaim. Sam Jackson is not one of them. He has "smug cool" and "angry" modes and that's about it. (Unbreakable being the outlier and probably my favorite role of his).

Sam Jackson gets a fucking Oscar when he stops playing Sam Jackson in every goddamn movie. Come the fuck on.

Seconding Predestination. And Hawke was great.

Denzel is my all-time favorite actor, and I've always thought Ethan Hawke was a bit of a tool, but it's unambiguously clear Hawke meant that his job was to give a performance that would enable Denzel to give the kind of performance that would win him an Oscar, which is the ethos of modern "character actors" everywhere.

Denzel won an Oscar for Glory in 1989. What the hell are you on about?

Scoot McNairy is a grip's name, not an actor's name.

He was fucking phenomenal in Warrior. I beat the drum for that movie as hard as I can. Edgerton and Nolte were good too, but Hardy kills.

HANS GRUBER DOES NOT JUST DIE OF CANCER. I'm waiting for the director's cut.

The Girl Next Door is another movie I somehow ended up watching and expecting to hate and thoroughly fucking enjoyed. I wonder if it holds up on subsequent viewings.

Sweet moves Craigles.

Ugh, their*

"Burying the hatchet" is a pretty low standard for friendship. Their relationship throughout has been characterized by conflict. They're essentially coworkers who don't much care for one another even as they're dependant on one another to do their jobs. Maybe there's more of a friendship in the source comics, but it's

None of the preceding movies did the hard work of setting up Stark and Cap of liking each other at all, much less being friends. So no emotional resonance when Stark gets fucking weepy in the trailer. Maybe if Marvel/Disney want actual payoff from these moments they could spend a little more time developing character

One of my favorite movies. Beautifully sustained tone, and maybe Sam Jackson's (whom I really can't stand) best and most understated role.

That'll do, Crowley. That'll do.

Isn't it about time for some sweat-lipped chucklehead to remake Hal Hartley's entire oeuvre? Come on you Hollywood pussies. Nut up or shut up.