

This show needs closure. It's long slipped into samey retreads of a single theme, and I'm having a hard time staying invested. It's pretty clear they're never going to let this thing die until they've squeezed every penny out of it that they can.

This is precisely why i never found Stephen King's horror very terrifying. Never name the monster. Fear of the unknown is much more primal and effective.

Yea I've so compartmentalized the original from everything that came after that no number of hackney'd cash-ins can touch it at this point. SO DO YOUR WORST HOLLYWOOD.

I've articulated this same point in an almost identical way. Thank you. Unfortunately, a lot of the people using it as a rhetorical tactic to shut down debate understand what they're doing. It's like when one protests about being horribly shit on in an argument and some mental goblin nattering on about "tone

I would fuck Carrie Fisher for a Bantha action figure.

I don't think you understand what that word means. Nor am I surprised.

Every time I hear some dittohead refer to anyone as "low info," I have an irony seizure.

I wish someone would Dixie Chick me.

Oh man, it's not my birthday until NEXT Friday. Thanks, AVClub!

Fair point.

Mitchell's response I thought was legit. He's saying, look, the narrator (i.e. protags) are unreliable. The initial "rules" we get are from their point of view, which may or may not be accurate or complete. Aside from that, Tarintino's critique is kind of baffling because there's nothing internally inconsistent about

My formative teen years were '91 to '94. I fucking loathe hagiography, and I'm not at all nostalgic for that period in my life or the music I listened to then, with the sole exception of a couple of Mercury Rev albums and "Soup" by Blind Melon. I stumbled onto that shit by accident and and fell in. Amazingly it's held

I look forward to the book adaptation of the movie adaptation of the book.


Since Leslie Mann is Judd Apatow's wife, I'm thinking you can tick that little box with a free conscience.


Bart Savagewoofer??

Dave Grohl is a super nice guy who can karaoke the fuck out of Times Like These.

I don't particularly like Farrell as an actor, but guy at least has range and has turned in some good performances. Vince Vaughn, for all the shit he catches for being a nineties Ur-bro, actually has decent dramatic acting chops. Return to Paradise was a shitty movie, but Vaughn acquitted himself pretty well in my