
Look, I loved Season 1 as much as the next warm body, but your entire review can be paraphrased as "boo-hoo it's not Season 1." Maybe try evaluating it on its own merits/flaws.


Interview needs more Kevin Corrigan.

"The problem, based on what I've read from other reviews and sites, isn't the mere inclusion of rape; it's the way it's presented and used as a dramatic tool without always properly following up on its consequences/giving survivors agency."

"Of course, given that a lot of the tales of medieval rape have been all but proven to actually be extremely exaggerated and made up to shame various political and national rivals, he can't even claim that."

Social justice is suffering severe mission creep if we've gone from equating fictional horror with real-world horror and critiquing them as if they're the same.

If you're playing D3 for the story, you're doing it very wrong. D3 is essentially a slot machine for gear that pays out diminished returns. It is, however, a pretty great way to wind down for an hour after work. There's something immensely satisfying about tearing your way through a T6 rift like a baby through a box

I'm playing Pillars of Eternity and it's pretty fantastic so far, though I'm only about six hours in. As others have noted elsewhere, it's very Baldur's Gate 2-ish in a good way. Also linear rather than open. I think maybe I'm just the sort of person who requires structure in his fantasy world progression.

Anxiety, no. Boredom, yes. I've yet to finish either Skyrim or Dragon Age: Inquisition because both are fucking interminable.

Can't wait to see how they handle the whole drooling, inbred messiah storyline. I hope AMC loves Christian boycotts.

Lonesome Crowded West is my favorite. It was my introduction to the band in 1999 and "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine" remains one of my all-time favorite songs. That said, both Moon and Antarctica and Good News… have grown on me over the years. Weirdly my appreciation of the latter came after listening to Sun Kil Moon's

Dowd I will fucking fight you with knife and teeth.