
Looks like a better time than Vijay Singh's sparsely attended Fuji Island soiree.

/ Reserves tickets for Spencerconn 2014

My local Sports Authority is already sold out of Androgynimovic jerseys.

Not so fat to me!

Somehow Bolt was able to get a hold of Chris Johnson's garage door code.

Re: Aaron Freeman: I have no idea, I've never really felt compelled to listen. Also, a couple of my buddies went on a Captain Mickey charter and they caught a shitload of fish and said he was fucking awesome (as if he wouldn't be).

If my knowledge of Estonian mores is correct, the people running towards the injured man likely proceeded to steal his sweatpants and camera before joining hands and performing a traditional folk dance around the body.

My girlfriend dumped me after I made "Burneko's Chili" in bed one night.

I've never heard of these guys (the dismemberment plan), but that was quite enjoyable. It's good to learn new things.

Now playing

This one's also pretty decent. Would be exponentially better if it hadn't been filmed by a total buttsack.

Ho...lee...shit. +1

Now playing

This was my first experience with these guys, but not the last. Came during a summer of living, jobless and naked, in a spare bedroom of some buddies' house in Athens. My main takeaway from this set was having to realize that I had quite possibly ingested one too many highly caustic chemicals and being utterly

If only J.J.'s parents' conception contract had been aborted.

The only bus driver / evil drug lord I know goes by "Mom".

They do, and I don't know...latent homosexuality?

Or if you're really super into not being around girls you could go to an all-guys college like I did. Having awesome boobs distract me from my studies / nonstop masturbation wasn't even a problem.

Would you rather be on meth for a week straight or some powerful barbiturates for a week straight?